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Four effective methods to improve the site access speed


By webmaster tools query can understand that some hire overseas website server, especially with the Hong Kong server site, open speed with no difference in domestic server website, on the overseas website server, especially in Hong Kong server website, how fast do website? If site visit to the status of the slowly at present, may be related to many factors, such as you the bandwidth of the machine, the configuration of the machine, the machine room of export bandwidth, etc., that if you really feel when access speed is slow, how to improve the speed? Here is to introduce a few knowledge, master this after a few knowledge points, then use to the website, can make your site on the page access speed change,

1. Reduce the DNS query time
Owners should know the network to the VPS is the domain name and IP address corresponding to each other, when a user requests on the client, the computer needs after the domain name and IP address of the conversion to each other, and this job is DNS DNS, general query response time needs 10 to 20 milliseconds, the client browser will only wait for after the DNS query will also load under this domain related content, so, if we want to accelerate the access speed of the page, you can from reduce DNS query time up to make improvement,

2. As far as possible to reduce HTTP requests
When a user access to web pages that all across the page content display to the user, in the meantime has spent a lot of time to download all kinds of CSS styles, pictures, flash, etc., and that each will request to an HTTP download, the more such requests will make the whole web page loaded the longer the time, also means that the user at the client access will be more slowly, so, will try to reduce the number of HTTP requests at this moment, we can usually put CSS and JS wrote page directly, which can avoid the call outside, all in all, can be invoked by reducing the number of external file to reduce the number of HTTP requests,

3. Enable Gzip compression
For some large and medium-sized websites, because the website shows the content is too much, its a single page can reach hundreds or even hundreds of KB, it will make visit the web site speed is slow, so at this time can use Gzip compression page, a 100 k or so articles can be compressed to a quarter of the original file, this can reduce the amount of network transmission, to improve the access speed, VPS basically with compression capability, and through the function of some JS, CSS files such as compression, and then from all sides in the face of site optimization, to improve the access speed,

4. Use the CDN to accelerate tool
Nowadays many site will include using CDN acceleration, and itself for site optimization is not an impact, principle is the basic speed up your backup image to many VPS nodes, can make the VPS nodes around the user access speed increased, can pass the acceleration rapid access to improve the user experience,
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