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Python crawler, the problem of scrapy


Hello, everyone, I stick the code below, I now the main problem is in obtain all novel link that step, selenium browser will open all page again, and then in the final pages of the novel began to execute the following code, so every time can only crawl a novel, is that where there is a problem? (middleware should be no problem, because the page access are normal)
Really don't know what to do, the teacher urged the project team is pretty tight, ask everybody to help me

The crawler file
Zongheng. Py
 # - * - coding: utf-8 - * - 
The import scrapy
The from scrapy import spiders, Request
The from w3lib. HTML import remove_tags
The from zongheng. Items import ZonghengItem
The from the selenium import webdriver

The class PassageSpider (spiders) :

Def __init__ (self) :
The self. The browser=webdriver. Firefox ()
The self. The set_page_load_timeout (30)

Def closed (self, spiders) :
Print (spiders "closed")
The self. The close ()

Def start_requests (self) :
Start_urls='http://book.zongheng.com/store/c0/c0/b0/u4/p48/v9/s1/t0/u0/i1/ALL.html' [r]
For I in start_urls:
Yield Request (url=I, the callback=self. The parse, dont_filter=True)

Def parse (self, response) : # # for all links of the novel
Book_url_list=response. Xpath (
"/HTML/body/div [2]/em/div [1]/div [1]/div/div [2]/div [1]/a/@ href"
). The extract ()
For book_url book_url_list in:
Yield Request (book_url, callback=self. Parse_read dont_filter=True)

Def parse_read (self, response) : # into the novel directory
Book_catalogue_list=self. Browser. Find_element_by_xpath (
'/HTML/body/div [2]/div [5]/div [1]/div [1]/div [1]/div [2]/div [5]/div [1] [2]/a'
Book_catalogue=book_catalogue_list. Get_attribute (' href ')
Yield Request (book_catalogue, callback=self parse_chapter)

Def parse_chapter (self, response) : # section links
Book_directory=response. Xpath (
[@ '/HTML/body/div class=\ "container "]/div/div [@ class=\ \ "volume - the list are"]/div/ul [@ class=\ "chapter - the list clearfix "]/li/a/@ href'
). The extract ()
For chapter in book_directory:
Yield Request (chapter, callback=self parse_content)

Def parse_content (self, response) : # for text content
Name=response. Xpath ("/HTML/body/div [2]/div [3]/div [2], a [3]/text () "). The extract_first ()
Print (name)
Chapter_name=response. Xpath (
"/HTML/body/div [2]/div [3]/div [3]/div/div [2]/div [2]/text ()", "
). The extract ()
Chapter_content0=response. Xpath (
"/HTML/body/div [2]/div [3]/div [3]/div/div [5]//text ()", "
). The extract ()
For chapter in chapter_content0:
Chapter1=remove_tags (chapter)
Chapter_content1. Append (chapter1)
Chapter_content="". Join (chapter_content1)

The item=ZonghengItem ()
The item [' name ']=name
The item [' chap_name]=chapter_name [0]
The item [' chap_content]=chapter_content
Yield item

Middlewares. Py (this part is I add code, the other I didn't move)
 class SeleniumMiddleware (object) : 

Def process_request (self, request, spiders) :
If spiders. Name=='passage:
Spiders. Browser. Get (request. Url)
Except TimeoutException as e:
Print (' timeout ')
Spiders. Browser. Execute_script (' window. Stop () ')
Time. Sleep (2)
Return HtmlResponse (url=spiders. Browser. Current_url, body=spiders. The page_source,
Encoding="utf-8", request=request)

CodePudding user response:

I try to open your start_urls, inside p48 parameters should be refers to 48 pages, this page is only a novel, is "the city of the sea battle", out on this issue? Other code temporarily haven't seen

CodePudding user response:

reference 1st floor max5173 response:
I try to open your start_urls, inside p48 parameters should be refers to 48 pages, this page is only a novel, is "the city of the sea battle", out on this issue? Other code temporarily haven't seen

The url is not a problem, I switch to other pages also or not

CodePudding user response:

Simple again, I now the main problem is the selenium opened the novel child pages did not perform the parse_read and the operation of the following function, but continue to open the next page of the novel, until finally a novel, he began to perform parse_read behind the content

CodePudding user response:

The problem that the yield may be, I guess
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