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WebDriverWait why no work


Small white selenium learning,,, ask ace to give directions, thank you!

A foreign website, loading slowly, ready to use WebDriverWait control load time, when mark class='nPageEndTab appeared over loading,
The problem:
Target content has shown, but the browser or continue to load for a long time, stopped manually loaded, can print out the Next page, that mark is to be able to find, why WebDriverWait didn't work?

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The from the selenium import webdriver
The from selenium.webdriver.com mon. By the import by
The from selenium.webdriver.com mon. Keys import keys
The from the selenium. Webdriver. Support the import expected_conditions as EC
The from the selenium. Webdriver. Support. Wait the import WebDriverWait
The from selenium.com mon. Exceptions import TimeoutException
The import time

Browser=webdriver. Chrome ()
Wait=WebDriverWait (browser, 2)

The get (' https://www.marketscreener.com/stock-exchange/shares/North-America-8/United-States-12/_gdBpxX/')

Elem=wait until (EC. Presence_of_element_located ((By CLASS_NAME, 'nPageEndTab)))
Print (elem. Get_attribute (" title "))
Except TimeoutException:
Print (' time out ')
The close ()
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