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Ant compile program error how to solve


The clear:
[delete] Deleting directory F: \ DaChaiApi - workspace \ DaChaiApi \ build
[delete] Deleting directory F: \ DaChaiApi - workspace \ DaChaiApi \ dist

[the mkdir] Created dir: F: \ DaChaiApi - workspace \ DaChaiApi \ build \ classes
[the mkdir] Created dir: F: \ DaChaiApi - workspace \ DaChaiApi \ dist

The compile:
[echo] the begin the compile...
[javac] the Compiling 258 source files to F: \ DaChaiApi - workspace \ DaChaiApi \ build \ classes
[copy] Copying 173 files to F: \ DaChaiApi - workspace \ DaChaiApi \ build
[echo] end the compile...

[echo] begin war...


F: \ DaChaiApi - workspace \ DaChaiApi \ build XML: 106: Deployment descriptor: does not exist.
The at org. Apache. Tools. Ant. Taskdefs. War. SetWebxml (94) War. Java:
At sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke0 (Native Method)
At sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Java: 62)
At sun. Reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (43) DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Java:
The at Java. Lang. Reflect. Method. Invoke (498) Method. The Java:
At org. Apache. Tools. Ant. IntrospectionHelper $7. Set (1093) IntrospectionHelper. Java:
The at org. Apache. Tools. Ant. IntrospectionHelper $AttributeSetter. SetObject (IntrospectionHelper. Java: 1492)
The at org. Apache. Tools. Ant. IntrospectionHelper. SetAttribute (IntrospectionHelper. Java: 406)
The at org. Apache. Tools. Ant. RuntimeConfigurable. MaybeConfigure (RuntimeConfigurable. Java: 527)
The at org. Apache. Tools. Ant. RuntimeConfigurable. MaybeConfigure (RuntimeConfigurable. Java: 463)
The at org. Apache. Tools. Ant. Task. MaybeConfigure (203) Task. Java:
The at org. Apache. Tools. Ant. UnknownElement. Configure (UnknownElement. Java: 201)
The at org. Apache. Tools. Ant. UnknownElement. MaybeConfigure (UnknownElement. Java: 165)
At org. Apache. Tools. Ant. Task. Perform (349) Task. Java:
The at org. Apache. Tools. Ant. Target. The execute (449). The Target Java:
The at org. Apache. Tools. Ant. Target. PerformTasks (470). The Target Java:
The at org. Apache. Tools. Ant. Project. ExecuteSortedTargets (1391) Project. Java:
The at org. Apache. Tools. Ant. Project. ExecuteTarget (1364) Project. Java:
The at org. Apache. Tools. Ant. Helper. DefaultExecutor. ExecuteTargets (DefaultExecutor. Java: 41)
The at org. Apache. Tools. Ant. Project. ExecuteTargets (1254) Project. Java:
The at org. Apache. Tools. Ant. Main. RunBuild (830). The Main Java:
The at org. Apache. Tools. Ant. Main. StartAnt (223). The Main Java:
The at org. Apache. Tools. Ant. Launch. The Launcher. The run (284). The Launcher Java:
The at org. Apache. Tools. Ant. Launch. The Launcher. The main (101). The Launcher Java:
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