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Download file service (file)


Download VSFTPD yum VSFTPD install - y
Created to distribute files touch/var/FTP/ABC. TXT
Start the service systemctl start VSFTPD
Close the firewall systemctl stop firewalld

Download LFTP yum install - y LFTP
Access server (IP) LFTP server IP
LFTP qianfeng: ~ & gt; Ls
DRWXR xr - x 2 0 0 4096 Mar 31, 2019 pub
Rw - r - r - 1 0 0 0 Nov 22 03:53 ABC. TXT
The ABC in the download server. TXT file download (get) LFTP qianfeng: ~ & gt; The get ABC. TXT
The pub in the download server directory (morrir mirror) LFTP qianfeng: ~ & gt; Mirror the pub
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