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Python GUI tkinter problem, hope to get your reply and answer, thank you


We now the question is, can enter the following login interface point to determine the next interface, from figure 1 and figure 2

Figure 1

Figure 2

Below is the code

The import tkinter as tk # using tkinter need the guide into the
The import tkinter. Messagebox
The import pickled

Step # 1, instantiation object, establishes the window window
The window=tk. Tk ()

Step # 2, to name window visual
Window. The title (' Welcome to Hongwei Website ')

Step # 3, set the window size (length * width)
Window. The geometry (' 400 x300 ') # in here is little x

Step # 4, wellcome to load the image
Canvas=tk canvas (window width=400, height=135, bg='green')

='top' canvas. Pack (side)
Tk. Label (window, text='Welcome', the font=(' Arial, 16)). The pack ()

Step # 5, user information
Tk. Label (window, text='User name:' the font=(' Arial, 14)). The place (=10 x, y=170)
Tk. Label (window, text='Password:' the font=(' Arial, 14)). The place (=10 x, y=210)

Step # 6, login user input box entry
# username
Var_usr_name=tk. StringVar ()
Var_usr_name. Set (' [email protected] ')
Entry_usr_name=tk. Entry (window, textvariable=var_usr_name, the font=(' Arial, 14))
Entry_usr_name. Place (x=120, y=175)
# the user password
Var_usr_pwd=tk. StringVar ()
Entry_usr_pwd=tk. Entry (window, textvariable=var_usr_pwd, the font=(' Arial, 14), the show='*')
Entry_usr_pwd. Place (x=120, y=215)

Step # 8, define the user login function
Def usr_login () :
These two lines of code # is access to user input usr_name and usr_pwd
Usr_name=var_usr_name. The get ()
Usr_pwd=var_usr_pwd. The get ()

# set the exception handling here, when we first visit the user information file doesn't exist, so here set the exception handling,
# in the middle of the two lines is our match, the program will input information and the information in the file matching,
With the open (' usrs_info. Pickles', 'rb') as usr_file:
Usrs_info=pickle. The load (usr_file)
Except FileNotFoundError:
# this is we don't have read the ` usr_file `, the program will create a ` usr_file ` this file, and will be the administrator
# user and password, the user named ` admin ` password for ` admin `,
With the open (' usrs_info. Pickles', 'wb) as usr_file:
Usrs_info={' admin ':' admin '}
Pickle. Dump (usrs_info usr_file)
Usr_file. Close () # must shut down, or pickled. The load () will appear EOFError: Ran out of the input

# if the user name and password and file matching success, can login successfully, and jump out of the popup window how are you? Add your user name,
If usr_name usrs_info in:
If usr_pwd==usrs_info [usr_name] :

Tkinter. Messagebox. Showinfo (title='Welcome', message='How are you? '+ usr_name)
# if user name matching success, and the password input Error, it will pop up 'Error, your password is wrong, try again.'
The else:
Tkinter. Messagebox. Showerror (message='Error, your password is wrong, try again.')
The else: # if it is found that the user name does not exist
Is_sign_up=tkinter. Messagebox. Askyesno (' Welcome! ', 'You have not sign up yet, sign up now? ')
# prompt need not to need to register a new user
If is_sign_up:
Usr_sign_up ()

Step # 9, define the function of user registration
Def usr_sign_up () :
Def sign_to_Hongwei_Website () :
# the following three lines is access to our registration information input by
Np=new_pwd. The get ()
NPF=new_pwd_confirm. The get ()
Nn=new_name. The get ()

# here is open we recorded data file, the registration information read
With the open (' usrs_info. Pickles', 'rb') as usr_file:
Exist_usr_info=pickle. The load (usr_file)
# here is to determine if two Password is not consistent, indicates that the Error, the Password and confirm Password must be the same!
If the np!=NPF:
Tkinter. Messagebox. Showerror (' Error ', 'the Password and confirm Password must be the same! ')

# if The user name already in our data file, indicates that The Error, The user has already signed up!
Elif nn in exist_usr_info:
Tkinter. Messagebox. Showerror (' Error ', 'The user has already signed up! ')

# above mistakes, if the input the end, the record registration of input information to a file, and prompt registration Welcome! , You have successfully signed up! , and then destroy the window,
The else:
Exist_usr_info (nn)=np
With the open (' usrs_info. Pickles', 'wb) as usr_file:
Pickle. Dump (exist_usr_info usr_file)
Tkinter. Messagebox. Showinfo (' Welcome ', 'You have successfully signed up! ')
# and then destroy the window,
Window_sign_up. Destroy ()

# define long window on the window
Window_sign_up=tk. Toplevel (Windows)
Window_sign_up. Geometry (' 300 x200)
Window_sign_up. Title (' window 'sign-up)

New_name=tk. StringVar () # will enter registration name assigned to the variable
New_name. Set (' [email protected] ') # will initially displayed as' [email protected] '
Tk. Label (window_sign_up, text='User name:'). The place (=10 x, y=10) # will ` User name: ` placed in coordinates (10, 10),
Entry_new_name=tk. Entry (window_sign_up, textvariable=new_name) # to create a login name ` Entry `, variable for ` new_name `
Entry_new_name. Place (x=130, y=10) # ` entry ` placed in coordinates (150, 10).

New_pwd=tk. StringVar ()
Tk. Label (window_sign_up, text='Password:'). The place (=10 x, y=50)
Entry_usr_pwd=tk. Entry (window_sign_up textvariable=new_pwd, show='*')
Entry_usr_pwd. Place (x=130, y=50)

New_pwd_confirm=tk. StringVar ()
Tk. Label (window_sign_up, text='Confirm password:'). The place (=10 x, y=90)
Entry_usr_pwd_confirm=tk. Entry (window_sign_up textvariable=new_pwd_confirm, show='*')
Entry_usr_pwd_confirm. Place (x=130, y=90)

# the following sign_to_Hongwei_Website
Btn_comfirm_sign_up=tk. The Button (window_sign_up, text='sign-up' command=sign_to_Hongwei_Website)
Btn_comfirm_sign_up. Place (x=180, y=120)

Step # 7, the login and sign up button
Btn_login=tk. The Button (window, text='Login', the command=usr_login)
Btn_login. Place (x=120, y=240)
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