In my project I am converting a Scala code to a TypeScript Code.
Now in Scala language there is a prefined type called Option. Option means it can be a type or can have undefined also.
In TypeScript we typically write it like this:
var myVar : MyType | undefined = await methodCall(...)
And the methodCall can be something like this:
function methodCall(...) : Promise<MyType | undefined>
// The body of function
So now I am looking for a way in TypeScript to represent this Scala Options
in such a way I can define a type something like this:
Problem Statement:
MyTypeOption ... it can be of MyType or undefined
Any suggestion how can I do it in TypeScript code?
So far the code I am doing in usual typeScript way:
var myVar : MyType | undefined = await methodCall(...)
function methodCall(...) : Promise<MyType | undefined>
// The body of function
CodePudding user response:
You can build a helper type that union's an arbitrary type with undefined
type Option<T> = T | undefined;
const n: number = undefined; // Error: Type 'undefined' is not assignable to type 'number'.
const o: Option<number> = undefined; // Okay
type MyType = string;
type MyTypeOption = Option<MyType>;
async () => {
var myVar = await methodCall();
myVar.charAt(0); // Error: Object is possibly 'undefined'.
async function methodCall(): Promise<MyTypeOption> {
return undefined;