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Basic knowledge of network communication (IPV4) share


Basic knowledge of network communication (IPV4)

a, network data transmission and delivery, there is no essential difference between both is one node to another node things pass
1. The network address
- MAC address, is the physical address of network equipment, is its property of solid home every MAC is unique,
00-17 f - A0-13-1-2 b (expressed as a hexadecimal, a total of 12 digits).
- the IP address, to facilitate data communication, is based on the serial number of the physical address type path system node
Each IP address into four segments, each section of the value of 1 to 255;
2 a. 39 x
200.1 B.- port, is based on the IP nodes, can be compared to the room of different function;
Port into the TCP or UDP protocol, each protocol port number: 0 to 65536;
2. Network path
Referred to as "routing, the network data transmission through nodes and in the process of medium, all roads lead to Rome, form the concept of routing table,
3. The Domain name (Domain)
Type is the number of IP network address name and visualization, and easy to remember, and IP address is a one-to-one relationship,
4. Network communication protocol
Is to achieve specific network communications services and produce all kinds of communication standards, can be a public standard protocols, also can be to meet the special needs of private agreement;
TCP/IP protocol, TCP, UDP, HTTP... ,

2, to form a network must understand "two network"
The network sets up
1. The physical network & amp; Logical network

Physically together according to certain rules of IP network composed of nodes and the media can be referred to as a physical network
Based on physical network, the node in different IP assign a different IP address and subnet mask (Submask), can delimit a physical network into several different logic network
"Physical connection" and "logical connection
2. LAN LAN& Extranet WAN
Limited to local domain of a physical network, which we call LAN LAN
Relative to the local area network (LAN), through the gateway (GATWAY) devices connected and WAN isolation outside the LAN network as the network, a gateway is a LAN and WAN transport transshipment mark
Subnet mask, which is used to map the same IP address (IP address four paragraphs), to divide the logic network, network segment

Which of the following two networking is on the same network segment?


3, logical connection with broken

4, routers, Bridges, Bridge, trunking Repeater
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