I have an image of mathematical formula and I need to parse symbols of it, but also save where they were (center of each symbol). For example image like this needs to be transformed into 15 different images 75x75, 1 per each symbol.
What I have tried is:
- Transform to gray and then binary: pixels close to white(> 250) becomes 255 and other become 0
- Use BNF to find all components and then transform them into images (with rescaling and everything else)
But I am sure it is not the best way to do it, maybe there is standard approach for this problem exist?
Here is my code:
class Parser:
def init(self, targetSizes=(75, 75), binaryThreshold=cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV cv2.THRESH_OTSU,
scaleFully=False, scaleFullyRate=0.9, whiteThreshold=249, blackThreshold=0,
rescalingInterpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA, pixelsInImageThreshold=20,
rescaleOriginalImage=True, rescaleToAtLeast=200, rescaleToAtMaximum=1000):
self.targetWidth = targetSizes[0]
self.targetHeight = targetSizes[1]
self.binaryThreshold = binaryThreshold
self.scaleFully = scaleFully
self.scaleFullyRate = scaleFullyRate
self.whiteThreshold = whiteThreshold
self.blackThreshold = blackThreshold
self.rescalingInterpolation = rescalingInterpolation
self.pixelsInIMageThreshold = pixelsInImageThreshold
self.rescaleOriginalImage = rescaleOriginalImage
self.rescaleOriginalMin = rescaleToAtLeast
self.rescaleOriginalMax = rescaleToAtMaximum
self.parseMode = 1
def _imageToBinary(self, image, zeroValueTrash=0, oneValueTrash=253):
grayImage = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
ret, binary = cv2.threshold(grayImage, self.blackThreshold, self.whiteThreshold, self.binaryThreshold)
# cv2.imwrite("Test.png", binary)
return binary
def _BNF(self, binaryImage):
Q = MyQueue()
whitePixels = []
gg = 0
for i in range(len(binaryImage)):
for j in range(len(binaryImage[i])):
if binaryImage[i][j] > self.whiteThreshold-1:
Q.put((i, j))
binaryImage[i][j] = 0
obj = []
gg = 1
while not Q.empty():
i, j = Q.pop()
obj.append((i, j))
if i 1 < len(binaryImage) and binaryImage[i 1][j] != 0:
Q.put((i 1, j))
binaryImage[i 1][j] = 0
if j - 1 > 0 and binaryImage[i][j - 1] != 0:
Q.put((i, j - 1))
binaryImage[i][j - 1] = 0
if i - 1 > 0 and binaryImage[i - 1][j] != 0:
Q.put((i - 1, j))
binaryImage[i - 1][j] = 0
if j 1 < len(binaryImage[i]) and binaryImage[i][j 1] != 0:
Q.put((i, j 1))
binaryImage[i][j 1] = 0
if self.parseMode == 1:
if i 1 < len(binaryImage) and j 1 < len(binaryImage[i 1]) and binaryImage[i 1][j 1] != 0:
Q.put((i 1, j 1))
binaryImage[i 1][j 1] = 0
if i 1 < len(binaryImage) and j - 1 > 0 and binaryImage[i 1][j-1] != 0:
Q.put((i 1, j-1))
binaryImage[i 1][j-1] = 0
if i - 1 > 0 and j - 1 > 0 and binaryImage[i - 1][j - 1] != 0:
Q.put((i - 1, j - 1))
binaryImage[i - 1][j - 1] = 0
if i - 1 > 0 and j 1 < len(binaryImage[i-1]) and binaryImage[i - 1][j 1] != 0:
Q.put((i - 1, j 1))
binaryImage[i - 1][j 1] = 0
cv2.imwrite("tmp/{}.png".format(gg), binaryImage)
return whitePixels
def parseImage(self, image_path: str) -> list:
image = cv2.imread(image_path)
if self.rescaleOriginalImage:
image = self.scaleOriginal(image)
binary = self._imageToBinary(image)
whitePixels = self._BNF(binary)
return whitePixels
def isScaleable(self, imageShape):
return True
def scaleOriginal(self, image: np.ndarray):
# To be created
return image
def _getImageAndCenterFromDotes(Dotes, originalImage=None):
i_mx, j_mx = -1, -1
i_mn, j_mn = 100500, 100500 # just big numbers
# finding upper right and lower left corner of image
for el in Dotes:
i, j = el
if i_mx < i:
i_mx = i
if j_mx < j:
j_mx = j
if j_mn > j:
j_mn = j
if i_mn > i:
i_mn = i
# updating image center
imageCenter = Point((i_mx i_mn) // 2, (j_mx j_mn) // 2)
# finding out size of image
width, height = i_mx - i_mn 1, j_mx - j_mn 1
image = np.zeros((width, height)) if originalImage is None else np.zeros((width, height, 3))
# recreating image from dotes
if originalImage is not None:
for el in Dotes:
i, j = el
image[i - i_mn][j - j_mn] = originalImage[i][j]
for el in Dotes:
i, j = el
image[i - i_mn][j - j_mn] = 255
return image, imageCenter
def scaleParsedImage(self, image: np.ndarray):
:param image: np.ndarray
:return: scaledImage np.ndarray
width, height = image.shape if len(image.shape) == 2 else image.shape[0], image.shape[1]
newWidth = self.targetWidth if width > self.targetHeight else width
newHeight = self.targetHeight if height > self.targetHeight else height
if self.scaleFully and newHeight < self.targetHeight * self.scaleFullyRate and newWidth * self.scaleFullyRate:
scaleRate = min((self.targetWidth * self.scaleFullyRate / newWidth), (
self.targetHeight * self.scaleFullyRate / newHeight))
newWidth = math.ceil(newWidth * scaleRate)
newHeight = math.ceil(newHeight * scaleRate)
scaled = cv2.resize(image, (newHeight, newWidth), interpolation=self.rescalingInterpolation)
# pasting our scaled image in the middle
x_add, y_add = (self.targetWidth - newWidth) // 2, (self.targetHeight - newHeight) // 2
resized = np.zeros((self.targetWidth, self.targetHeight)) if len(image.shape) == 2 else np.zeros((self.targetWidth, self.targetHeight, 3))
for x in range(newWidth):
for y in range(newHeight):
resized[x x_add][y y_add] = scaled[x][y]
return resized
def parseAndConvert(self, image_name: str) -> list:
imagesInDotes = self.parseImage(image_name)
original = 255 - cv2.imread(image_name)
images = []
for dotes in imagesInDotes:
image = self._getImageAndCenterFromDotes(dotes, original)
images.append([self.scaleParsedImage(image[0]), image[1]])
rawImages = []
for image, center in images:
rawImages.append(RawImage(image, center))
return rawImages
CodePudding user response:
Have a look at the (imho not all too intuitively named) function cv.findContours()
It should do most things that you doing by hand right now out of the box, which is extracting and measuring binary objects.
If you encouter problems where a single symbol is made up of several objects (like i
, %
or "
), look into the morphological operations to merge them into a single one: erode()
, dilate()
, or open and close via morphologyEx()
(Tutorial here: https://docs.opencv.org/4.x/d9/d61/tutorial_py_morphological_ops.html).