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Angular test fails despite console logging correct value


I have an Angular component and am testing a function call. The function calls a service function and I am trying to test that the service function is being called correctly.


 loadAllDocuments( event = null ): void {
    const key = `clients/documents/000/000/${this.clientId}/original`;

    this.s3.getBucketContents(key).then( data => {
      const contentLength = data.Contents.length
      let foundLength = 0
      let missingLength = 0
      for ( const entry of data.Contents ) {
        const dataParams = {name: entry.name}
        this.clientDocService.createClientDocIfMissing(dataParams).subscribe(doc => {
          doc ? missingLength  = 1 : foundLength  = 1

        if (missingLength   foundLength === contentLength) {
          const message = `Found ${contentLength} documents in storage. ${foundLength} were already here and ${missingLength} were new`

          // What I am testing

          // logs 'Found 1 documents in storage. 0 were already here and 1 were new' to console

    if (event) event.target.complete();

My test:

describe('DocumentsPage', () => {
  let component: DocumentsPage;
  let fixture: ComponentFixture<DocumentsPage>;
  const mockGlobalsService = jasmine.createSpyObj('GlobalsService', ['base_url', 'handleResponse'])
  const mockS3Service = jasmine.createSpyObj('S3_Service', ['getBucketContents'])
  const mockClientDocService = jasmine.createSpyObj('ClientDocService', ['setDocuments', 'createClientDocIfMissing', 'addToDocuments', 'addToAWSDocs', 'fetchClientAndSignedDocuments', 'setMergedDocuments'])

  beforeEach(async(() => {
      declarations: [ DocumentsPage ],
      imports: [HttpClientTestingModule,],
      schemas: [CUSTOM_ELEMENTS_SCHEMA],
      providers: [
        { provide: GlobalsService, useValue: mockGlobalsService },
        { provide: S3_Service, useValue: mockS3Service },
        { provide: ClientDocService, useValue: mockClientDocService },

  beforeEach(() => {
    mockClientDocService.mergedDocuments$ = of([])
    fixture = TestBed.createComponent(DocumentsPage);
    component = fixture.componentInstance;
    service = TestBed.inject(ClientDocService)

  describe('loadAllDocuments', () => {
    it('', () => {
      const mockBucketContents = {
        Contents: [
          {name: 'test 1', Key: 'x'},
      mockS3Service.getBucketContents.and.returnValue(new Promise((res) => res(mockBucketContents)))
      mockClientDocService.createClientDocIfMissing.and.returnValue(of([{name: 'test 2', Key: 'y'}]))


      // Fails despite value being logged
      expect(mockGlobalsService.handleResponse).toHaveBeenCalledOnceWith('Found 1 documents in storage. 0 were already here and 1 were new')

The test fails with response:

Expected spy GlobalsService.handleResponse to have been called only once, and with given args:
  [ 'Found 1 documents in storage. 0 were already here and 1 were new' ]
But it was never called.

I'm not sure if I'm mocking the call incorrectly or something?

CodePudding user response:

This has to do with the asynchronous nature of the code, the .then.

You see it being logged out but it's being logged out at a later point in time, after your assertion.

One way to fix it would be to use async/fixture.whenStable().

// !! add async here
describe('loadAllDocuments', () => {
    it('', async () => {
      const mockBucketContents = {
        Contents: [
          {name: 'test 1', Key: 'x'},
      mockS3Service.getBucketContents.and.returnValue(new Promise((res) => res(mockBucketContents)))
      mockClientDocService.createClientDocIfMissing.and.returnValue(of([{name: 'test 2', Key: 'y'}]))

      // !! wait until all pending promises have completed before continuing
      await fixture.whenStable();

      // Fails despite value being logged
      expect(mockGlobalsService.handleResponse).toHaveBeenCalledOnceWith('Found 1 documents in storage. 0 were already here and 1 were new')

Another way to solve it would be to use fakeAsync/tick.

// !! Wrap callback with fakeAsync, pay attention to the extra brackets
describe('loadAllDocuments', () => {
    it('', fakeAsync(() => {
      const mockBucketContents = {
        Contents: [
          {name: 'test 1', Key: 'x'},
      mockS3Service.getBucketContents.and.returnValue(new Promise((res) => res(mockBucketContents)))
      mockClientDocService.createClientDocIfMissing.and.returnValue(of([{name: 'test 2', Key: 'y'}]))

      // !! call tick to say finish all pending promises before continuing

      // Fails despite value being logged
      expect(mockGlobalsService.handleResponse).toHaveBeenCalledOnceWith('Found 1 documents in storage. 0 were already here and 1 were new')
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