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React How do I extract data from a form when triggering onSubmit event?


I am messing around with Riot's API that allows getting information of a player by the player's name, I am trying get API key(I know it's stupid but I only got a 24 hours key) and the target player's name from users' input.

export function PlayerSearch() {
    function handlesubmit(e) {

    return <div className='player'>
    <div className='inputfield'>
    <form onSubmit={handlesubmit} method='GET' autoComplete="off">
        <label htmlFor="key">Your API key:</label>
        <input placeholder='Your API key' onFocus={(e)=>{e.target.placeholder=''}} type="text" id="key" name="key" />
        <label htmlFor="name">Player name:</label>
        <input placeholder='Player name' onFocus={(e)=>{e.target.placeholder=''}} type="text" id="name" name="name" />
        <input type='submit' />

And I got this in the console:

So how exactly do I extract the two inputs from the form?

In addition, is it possible that I can call another component and pass data as props to handle the submitted data so that the code is cleaner?

CodePudding user response:

You should have a state to store your inputs:

const [formData, setFormData] = useState({ key: "", name: "" });

Then you need a function that gets called onChange of your input fields to update your state:

const onChange = (event) => {
    setFormData({ ...formData, [event.target.name]: event.target.value });

And you need to pass that function to your input onChange property:

    placeholder="Your API key"
    onFocus={(e) => {
      e.target.placeholder = "";

Then you can access the state in your handleSubmit:

function handlesubmit(e) {

Edit stoic-night-de8wjx

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