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new rows for every day from in-between dates


I have to create a database with a single row for every day in the interval between the two dates (date_in - date_out). I have to use R.

How can I do this?

My data:

  id           date_in          date_out days
1  1 13May2022 0:00:00 03Jul2022 0:00:00   51
2  3 10Nov2020 0:00:00 15Nov2020 0:00:00    5
3  4 25Feb2020 0:00:00 05Apr2020 0:00:00   40

CodePudding user response:

Here is an option. First, change dates into dates (yours might already be), then we map out all the dates from the start to the end, lastly we unnest.


df <- read.csv(textConnection("id,           date_in,          date_out, days,
1, 13May2022 0:00:00, 03Jul2022 0:00:00,   51,
3, 10Nov2020 0:00:00, 15Nov2020 0:00:00,    5,
4, 25Feb2020 0:00:00, 05Apr2020 0:00:00,   40"))  |>

  mutate(across(starts_with("date"), \(x) lubridate::dmy_hms(x) |> 
         full_date = map2(date_in, date_out, \(x,y) seq(x, y, by = "1 day"))) |>
  unnest_longer(full_date) |>
  select(id, date = full_date)
#> # A tibble: 99 x 2
#>       id date      
#>    <int> <date>    
#>  1     1 2022-05-13
#>  2     1 2022-05-14
#>  3     1 2022-05-15
#>  4     1 2022-05-16
#>  5     1 2022-05-17
#>  6     1 2022-05-18
#>  7     1 2022-05-19
#>  8     1 2022-05-20
#>  9     1 2022-05-21
#> 10     1 2022-05-22
#> # ... with 89 more rows

CodePudding user response:

Here is a similar approach to AndS.'s, but using summarize:


# data
df <- read.csv(textConnection("id,           date_in,          date_out, days,
1, 13May2022 0:00:00, 03Jul2022 0:00:00,   51,
3, 10Nov2020 0:00:00, 15Nov2020 0:00:00,    5,
4, 25Feb2020 0:00:00, 05Apr2020 0:00:00,   40"))  |>

# answer
df |> 
    mutate(across(c(date_in, date_out), ~date(dmy_hms(.x)))) |> 
    group_by(id) |> 
    summarize(date=seq(date_in, date_out, by="1 day"))
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