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Chapter ten cloud storage technology


Cloud storage is a kind of online storage (English: Cloud storage) model, namely the data stored in usually by a third party hosting more than one virtual server, rather than a dedicated server, hosting, hosting companies operating large data centers, need data storage custody, through to its purchase or lease storage space, to meet the needs of data storage, data center operators according to customer demand, the back-end to storage virtualization of resources, and to store the resource pool (storage pool) way to provide the customer can use this on its own storage resource pool to store files or objects, in fact, those resources could be distributed on many of the server host, Cloud storage service is through a Web service application program interface (API), or through the Web user interface to access,
The working principle of
Cloud storage is in a cloud computing (cloud computing) concept extension and derivative development of a new concept of cloud computing is Distributed processing (Distributed computing), Parallel processing, Parallel computing) and the development of Grid computing, Grid computing, is through the network will be a huge computing program automatically split into many smaller subroutine, then passed on to some of the huge system of the server of after calculating and analyzing the results back to the user, through the cloud computing technology, network service providers can in a few seconds, dealing with tens of millions or even billions of information, achieve and "super computer" the same powerful network service,
Similar to the concept of cloud storage and cloud computing, it refers to the application through the cluster, grid technology and distributed file systems, and other functions, the network of a large number of various types of storage devices set up by applying the software to work together, common external provide access to data storage and business functions of a system, guarantee the security of data, and save storage space, in simple terms, the cloud storage is the storage resources in the cloud for people to access a new scheme, users can at any time, anywhere, through any networked device connected to the cloud easily access to the data, if such interpretation is difficult to understand, that we can borrow a wide area network and the structure of the Internet to explain cloud storage,
Implementation premise
One, the development of broadband network
Real cloud storage system will be more than a regional distribution, all over the country, around the world, and even large public system, the user needs through ADSL, broadband access equipment such as DDN to connect to cloud storage, only broadband network get abundant development, the user is likely to get enough data transmission bandwidth, large capacity data transmission, really enjoy the cloud storage service, otherwise can only be empty talk,
Second, web technology
Web technology is the core of the share, it is only through the web technology, users of cloud storage is possible through PC, mobile phone, mobile multimedia, and other equipment, data, documents, pictures and audio content such as the concentration of storage and data sharing,
Three, the development of the application store
Cloud storage is not only a store, more is the application, application of storage is a storage device integrates the function of application software in a storage device, it not only has the function of data storage, also has the function of application software, can be thought of as a set of servers and storage equipment, application of the development of storage technology can significantly reduce the number of servers in the cloud storage, reducing construction cost, reduce the system caused by a single point of failure and server performance bottlenecks, reduce data transmission link, provide the system performance and efficiency, ensure the efficient and stable operation of the whole system,
Four, cluster technology, grid technology and distributed file system
Cloud storage system is a multiple storage devices, applications, more than a set of services to work together, any storage system is not a single point cloud storage,
Now that is composed of multiple storage devices, different storage device will need to through clustering technology, distributed file systems and grid computing technology, such as implement multiple storage devices, the collaborative work between the multiple storage devices can provide the same service, to provide better data access performance, bigger and stronger without the presence of these technologies, cloud storage is impossible to achieve, the so-called cloud storage is a only one independent system, cannot form clouds structure,
Five, the CDN content distribution, P2P technology, data compression technology
CDN content distribution, P2P technology, data compression, data deduplication technology, data encryption
CDN content distribution system, data encryption technology to ensure the data in the cloud storage will not be access by unauthorized users, at the same time, through a variety of data disaster backup and ensure that data is not lost in the cloud storage technology, guarantee the security and stability of the cloud storage itself, if the data in the cloud storage safety not guaranteed, want to come and no one dare to use cloud storage, otherwise, the saved data is not lost soon, is the national people's all know,
Six, storage virtualization technology, the storage network management technology
The number of storage devices in cloud storage large and distribution in different regions, how to implement different vendors, different sizes and even different types (e.g., FC and IP storage) of the logical volume management between multiple devices, storage virtualization and multiple link redundancy management will be a huge problem, this problem is not solved, storage devices, is the entire cloud storage system performance bottleneck, also unable to form a whole structure, but also brings the late capacity and performance extension difficult problems, such as,
Cloud storage in the storage of large, wide distribution area of another problem is that the storage device operation management problem, although these problems for cloud storage users don't need to care about, but for the operating unit of cloud storage, it must pass the feasible and effective method to solve the centralized management difficult, difficult condition monitoring, fault maintenance difficult, the human cost is high, therefore, cloud storage must have an efficient similar and centralized management of the network management software platform, which can realize all storage devices in the cloud storage system, server and network equipment of centralized management and state monitoring,
The function
Cloud storage provides a lot of functionality and performance to meet brought along with the growth of the massive inactive data storage problem:
With capacity growth, linear expansibility and access speed,
Storing data, on-demand migrated to distributed physical site,
, make sure that the height of the data storage fitment and self-repair ability, can save many years,
, to ensure the privacy and security of the multi-tenant environment,
, allowing users based on the strategy and service mode according to the need to expand the performance and capacity,
Changed the store buying patterns, charge storage cost of actual use, rather than by all storage system, contains unused storage capacity, to collect fees,
End, subversion, technology upgrade and data migration work
(1) the storage management can realize automatic and intelligent, all storage resources are integrated together, they see is a single storage space;
(2) improve the efficiency of the storage, through virtualization technology to solve the waste of storage space, can automatically redistributed data, improve the utilization of storage space, and load balancing, fault redundancy function;
(3) cloud storage can achieve economies of scale and elastic extension, reduce operating costs, avoid waste of resources;
Cloud storage technology in the field of security problems existing in the application of
Restricted to security video monitor the characteristics of their business, monitor the cloud storage and cloud computing model will be the difference between the existing Internet, such as security users tend to video information is stored in the local, the video monitoring application is more sensitive, video information privacy issues, problems such as video monitoring of network bandwidth consumption,
Main use
Cloud storage usually means that the master data or backup data into enterprise external uncertainties in the storage pool, rather than on the local data center or dedicated remote sites, supporters say, if you use the cloud storage service, enterprise organization can save investment cost, simplify the complicated setup and management tasks, also easy to put the data in the cloud from the place where more access to the data, data backup, archiving, and disaster recovery is cloud storage may be three purposes, "the emergence of the cloud is mainly used for any kind of static type data mass storage needs of any kind," "you don't want to store the database in the cloud, but you might want to store your database in the cloud of a copy of the history, instead of storing it in a very expensive SAN or NAS," "a good almost measurement method is the cloud as can only be used for delayed application of cloud storage," "backup, archiving and batch file data can be processed very well in the cloud, because you can allow a few seconds delay response time," on the other hand, she said, but because of the delay, the database and the "performance sensitive" does not apply to any of its data cloud storage, but before moving the data into the cloud, whether public or private cloud, users need to be resolved a more fundamental question, "if you enter the cloud storage, you can see where the growth of the storage space out of control, or why is out of control, and stored in the end-to-end business process a set of data, special value point is what? Only the technical migration to the cloud is not the best solution, "work and cost reduction is cloud services is expected in the next few years a major cause of continued growth, according to research firm IDC said that 4% of global IT spending to cloud services; By 2012, the proportion will reach 9%, due to cost and space pressure, data storage is very suitable for using cloud solution; IDC predicts that in the same period, the proportion of cloud storage in cloud services spending will increase from 8% to 13%,

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