Home > other >  Small program authorization for less than the openid for the first time
Small program authorization for less than the openid for the first time


Small program authorization for less than the openid for the first time, after the need to recompile to earn,
The code is as follows:
This is authorized the code:

Wx. GetSetting ({
Success: the function (res) {
If (res) authSetting [' scope. The userInfo ']) {
Wx. GetUserInfo ({
Success: the function (res) {
That the setData ({
AvatarUrl: res. The userInfo. AvatarUrl,
The userInfo: res. The userInfo
//the user has been authorized, do not need to display authorization page, so there's no need to change the value of isHide
//according to your own requirements are other operations add
//I am here is in after the success of the user authorization, call WeChat wx. Login interface to access code
Wx. Login ({
Success: res=& gt; {
//to get to the user's code: after res. Code
//the console. The log (" user code: "+ res. Code).
That the setData ({
Code: res. Code
//request for openid
Wx. Request ({
Url: app. GlobalData. Url + '/appInterface getOpenid. Do? Code='+ res. Code,
//url: app. GlobalData. Url + '/appInterface getOpenid. Do,
Method: 'GET',
//data: {
//code: res. Code
Header: {
'the content-type' : 'application/json'
Success: the function (ares) {
//sets the openid to all page can access
App. GlobalData. Openid=ares. Data. Obj
//the default request registered members
//wx. Request ({
//url: app. GlobalData. Url + '/appInterface/addUser. Do,
//data: {
//userOpenid: ares. Data. Obj,
//userNick: that data. The userInfo. NickName,
//userHadimag: that data. The userInfo. AvatarUrl
//method: "POST",
//header: {
//'the content-type:' application/x - WWW - form - urlencoded '
//success: function (bres) {


//authorization success to jump to the home page
Wx. ReLaunch ({
Url: '/pages/login/login'
} else {
//the user is not authorized
//change isHide value, showing authorization page
That the setData ({
IsHide: true

This is the first authorized go code:

BindGetUserInfo: function (e) {
If (e.d etail. The userInfo) {
//the user according to the authorized button allows
var that=this;
//to the user's information, and print to the console see
The console. The log (" user information is as follows: ");
The console. The log (e.d etail. The userInfo);
//after the success of the authorization, by changing the isHide value, to achieve page displayed, hide the authorization page
That the setData ({
IsHide: false
Wx. GetUserInfo ({
Success: the function (res) {
That the setData ({
AvatarUrl: res. The userInfo. AvatarUrl,
The userInfo: res. The userInfo
//the user has been authorized, do not need to display authorization page, so there's no need to change the value of isHide
//according to your own requirements are other operations add
//I am here is in after the success of the user authorization, call WeChat wx. Login interface to access code
Wx. Login ({
Success: res=& gt; {
//to get to the user's code: after res. Code
The console. The log (" user code: "+ res. Code).
Wx. Request ({
Url: app. GlobalData. Url + '/appInterface getOpenid. Do? Code='+ res. Code,
//url: app. GlobalData. Url + '/appInterface getOpenid. Do,
Method: 'GET',
//data: {
//code: res. Code
Header: {
'the content-type' : 'application/json'
Success: the function (ares) {
//sets the openid to all page can access
App. GlobalData. Openid=ares. Data. Obj
//the default request registered members
//wx. Request ({
//url: app. GlobalData. Url + '/appInterface/addUser. Do,
//data: {
//userOpenid: ares. Data. Obj,
//userNick: that data. The userInfo. NickName,
//userHadimag: that data. The userInfo. AvatarUrl
//method: "POST",
//header: {
//'the content-type:' application/x - WWW - form - urlencoded '
//success: function (bres) {


Wx. ReLaunch ({

Url: '/pages/login/login'

} else {
//the user press the reject button
Wx. ShowModal ({
Title: 'warning',
Content: 'you click to authorize, will not be able to enter the small program, and then enter please!!! '
ShowCancel: false,
ConfirmText: 'return authorization,
Success: the function (res) {
//the user is not authorized, do not need to change the value of isHide
If (res. Confirm) {
The console. The log (' users to click on the "return authorization");
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