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I cannot scrap the image links with IMPORTXML


The link I try to export images is this

the result

CodePudding user response:

You are trying to import data from a website that heavily relies on javascript to render the contents and that is not allowed in these formulas.

Gooogle Sheets doesn't load scripts for security reasons.

Check out this link for more information: https://www.reddit.com/r/googlesheets/wiki/import-html-xml/#wiki_common_pitfalls

CodePudding user response:

After OP mentioned that was able to gather data from pages 1 to 4 but not five, I decided to load the fifth page using google app script and check the contents

The result was:

ebay screenshot

where you can see the message "BOT_MAX_PAGE_NUMBER_EXCEEDED:Localized error message is missing."

Actually if you execute this formula instead, you can gather the same message in google sheets.


As you can see here:

google sheet screenshot

So the answer is that ebay is now allowing this kind of scraping techniques beyond page 4.

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