I'm using quill editor on our B2B and the user can customize his text, and I get back a HTML format of the text.
But when I'm displaying the HTML on the B2C side I don't have the quill editor installed and I don't get all custom style,
is there any different solution except installing quill editor ?
my HTML looks like this:
[innerHtml]="<some HTML from quill editor>
I get the HTML with quill custom class
CodePudding user response:
First, you have to include the link to quill
's stylesheet in your index.html
, as described here.
Then, you have to wrap your html element where you put the quill html ouput, with an additional <div>
with the following clases as described here:
<div style="border-width: 0;">
<div [innerHTML]="byPassedHTMLString">
Now you are good to go. Recompile your app and see the magic in action!