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Opencv processing of remote sensing data


Use the following code to handle no yoga get full shadow like number one, and the lack of some properties with the source data, heavyweight directions
# - * - coding: utf-8 - * -
# - * - coding: cp936 - * -
GBK # coding=
The import cv2
The import numpy as np
The import math

Def copy (img, new1) :
New1=np. Zeros (img. Shape, dtype='uint16')

New1 [: :]=img [: :]

Def computL (L, Dn, S) :
Dn=pow (Dn, 3/2)
S=pow (10, 10)
L=Dn * S
Return (L)

If __name__=="__main__ ':

Img1=cv2. Imread (' C:/Users/Gentry Long/Desktop/ygyg LuoJia1-01 _lr201903142986_20190311145935_hdr_0037_gec. Tif ', 2)
Print (img1)
# image format conversion
Img=cv2. CvtColor (img1, cv2 COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# imgFile='C:/Users/Gentry Long/Desktop/LuoJia1-01 _lr201903142986_20190311145935_hdr_0037_gec. Tif'
# img1=cv2. Imread (imgFile)
# if isinstance (img1, np. Ndarray) :
# pass
# the else:
# print (img1)
# img=cv2. CvtColor (img1, cv2 COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

# calculation JD
14 K=
JD - 32075 + 1461=K * (I + + (14) J - 4800/12)/4 + 367 * (J - 2 - (J - 14)/12 * 12)/12-3 * (
(I + + 4900 (J - 14)/12)/100)/4

# set ESUNI value

# calculation solar-terrestrial distance D
1-0.01674 * D=math. Cos ((0.9856 * * (JD - 4) math. The PI/180))

# calculating solar zenith Angle
Cos=math. Cos (math.h radians (90-41.3509605))
System=(math. PI * D * D)/(ESUNI71 * cos * cos)

# the atmospheric correction parameter Settings
LIMIN=Lmini + (Qcal * (Lmax - Lmini)/Qmax)
ESUNI71 LI=(0.01 * * cos * cos)/(math. PI * D * D)
Lhazel=LIMIN - LI

Print (' D='D)
Print (' cosZS='cos)
Print (' Lhazel='Lhazel)

Reflectivity of # of image

Result=np. Zeros (img. Shape, dtype='uint16')

For I in range (0, img. Shape [0]) :

For j in range (0, img. Shape [0]) :
Lsat=computL (1.18070871, img [I, j], 7.38070852)

Result [I, j]=Intel * (Lsat - Lhazel) * 1000

# to save images

Cv2. Imwrite (" D: \ \ result. Tif ", result)

Cv2. NamedWindow (" Image ")

Cv2. Imshow (" Image ", result)

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