The from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
The import re
The import requests
The import xlsxwriter
Def getcomments () :
Headers={the user-agent: "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.26 Safari 537.36/Core/1.63.5558.400 QQBrowser/10.1.1695.400}
"Url=" Rn=0.21263356332144867 & amp; Business=danmu& Is_iqiyi=true& Is_video_page=true& Tvid=7564083000 & amp; Albumid=233592301 & amp; Categoryid=2 & amp; Qypid=01010021010000000000
"HTML=requests. Get (url, headers=headers)
Bullets=decompress (bullets_data)
Danmu=bullets. Decode (" utf-8 ", "ignore")
Soup=BeautifulSoup (danmu, "LXML")
Workbook=xlsxwriter. Workbook (file_excel)
Sheet=workbook. Add_worksheet (' barrage file ')
Bold=workbook. Add_format ({" bold ": True})
Sheet. Write (A1, u 'body', bold)
Sheet. Write (I1, u 'time', bold)
Sheet. Write (' L1 'u' blues', bold)
BulletInfo=soup. Select (' bulletInfo ')
The row=2
For x in bulletInfo:
The content=x.c ontent. Text
Name="world owes me a first love"
Times=x.s howtime. Text
Time=STR (int (eval (times)/60)) + "points" + STR (eval (times) - the int (eval (times)/60 * 60) + "seconds" # points hexadecimal data format into the eval function transformation calculation
Sheet. Write (' A % d % row, content)
Sheet. Write (' I % d % row, time)
Sheet. Write (' L % d % row, name)
The row +=1
Workbook. The close ()
If __name__=="__main__ ':
File_excel="E: \ Study " - 1. XLSX "
Getcomments ()
Print (" I finished ")
Looking forward to, every answer, thanks again!
CodePudding user response:
No big help me to answer it? A decompress function seems to lack, who will writeCodePudding user response:
A wave, to communication,