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The second chapter distributed computing paradigm


2.1 the messaging generics:
In messaging, said in a generic message data in two processes, is why exchange between a sender and a receiver, message passing is the most basic generic distributed applications, a process to send on behalf of the request message, the message is transmitted to the receiver, the receiver processes the request and send a reply message, then the reply message may trigger the next request, and as a reply message, so constantly repeated the message to realize data exchange between the two processes, messaging generic required basic operation for the send and receive, for a connection-oriented communication, also need to connect and disconnect operation, use the head of the model provide interconnection process between input and output operation, operation mode is similar to the file input, and output, and file I/o operation, the operating layer encapsulates the operating system of the network communication details, so the programmer can use these actions send and receive messages, rather than having to focus on the underlying operating system communication details,
2.2 the client/server paradigm
Client/server generics are most used in the application of network a kind of distributed computing generics, the model will be asymmetric role assigned to the two cooperation process, in which the server process service provider role, passively waiting for the request to process client requests to the server and wait for the server response,
The most popular Internet application the WWW is based on client/server is a typical distributed application of the generic, he has a Web browser and the server process customer process, continuously listens for requests from Web browser process, the server processes the request and sends the response, once after receiving the response, the browser process to explain the response received and can display the document browser client process is responsible for sending requests and receiving the response, the principle of Web application is based on the HTTP protocol client/server applications in the back of the content will be more detailed introduction to the HTTP protocol,
2.3 the p2p paradigm
P2p generic from p2p networks, also known as the peer-to-peer network, p2p network transaction center server relies on the user group of the exchange of Internet system and client/server structure of the system is different, in p2p network, each client even if a node is the function of the server, any a node cannot find other nodes directly, must rely on its users for information exchange,
2.4 the messaging system paradigm,
Message system paradigm can be further divided into two types of seeds peer-to-peer generic and publish subscribe message paradigm,
2.6 distributed object paradigm
Distributed object paradigm are divided into remote method invocation (rmi) and object request broker,
2.8 mobile agent paradigm
Mobile agent is a kind of portable program or object, an agent in the mobile agent to issue starting from the cylinder machine, and then according to its carrying the execution of the route automatically move between active on the Internet, the agent on each host access to the resources or services, and perform the necessary tasks to complete its mission,
2.9 cloud service paradigm
The us national institute of standards and technology NTST defines the three types of cloud computing service type, infrastructure and services IaaS, PaaS platform and services, software and service SaaS three types of cloud services for different level of abstraction,

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