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Chapter 8 of the cloud computing theory and technology


The definition of cloud computing:
Cloud computing (cloud computing) is a kind of distributed computing, refers to the "cloud" through the network will be a huge data processing program is decomposed into thousands of small programs, and then, through a number of servers for the processing and analysis system of the small program to get the results, and returned to the user, early cloud computing, in a nutshell, is a simple distributed computing, solve the task distribution, and calculation results of merger, as a result, cloud computing is also called grid computing, using this technology, can be in a very short period of time (seconds) of tens of thousands of data processing, so as to achieve a powerful network service,
Says at the present stage of cloud services has not only is a kind of distributed computing, but distributed computing, utility computing, load balancing, parallel computing, network storage, hot backup mad and virtualization of computer technologies such as hybrid evolution and the result of the jump,
An overview of the
"Cloud" is essentially a network, in a narrow sense, cloud computing is a kind of resource of the network, the user can obtain the resources on the "cloud" at any time, according to the demand of use, and can be regarded as infinite extension, you can, as long as pay by the use of "cloud" like water works, we can always pick up water, and is not limited, according to their domestic water consumption, paying the waterworks can,
From a broad sense, cloud computing and information technology, software, Internet related a service, the Shared pool is called "cloud" computing resources, cloud computing together a lot of computing resources, through the software to realize automation management, need only a few people to participate in, can let the resources provided by the fast, that is to say, the computing power as a commodity, can circulate on the Internet, like water, electricity, gas, you can easily access, and the price is relatively cheap,
In short, cloud computing is not a kind of brand-new network technology, it is a new concept of network applications, the core of the cloud computing concept is centered on the Internet, the web site provides a quick and secure cloud computing services and data storage, let each people using the Internet can be used on the network computing resources and huge data center,
After the cloud computing is the Internet, the computer has a new innovation in the information era, cloud computing is a big leap in the information age, we make the coming age may be the age of cloud computing, although at present there are a lot about the definition of cloud computing, but overall, although cloud computing has many meanings, but in general, the basic meaning of cloud computing is consistent, namely, cloud computing has a strong extensibility and needs, can provide users with a whole new experience, is the core of the cloud computing can be a lot of computer resources to coordinate together, as a result, the user can access to the unlimited resources, through the network at the same time, access to resources is not limited by time and space,
Internet began in 1960, mainly for the military, big companies such as plain text E-mail or news between cluster group service, until in 1990 began to enter the ordinary families, along with the development of web sites and e-commerce, the Internet has become the present people, so one of the necessities of cloud computing in August 2006 for the first time the concept of search engine is put forward at the meeting, became the third revolution of the Internet, [2]
In recent years, cloud computing is also become the strategic focus of the information technology industry development, the global information technology companies are transforming to cloud computing, we, for example, every company needs to do data information, store related operational data, in terms of product management, personnel management, financial management, etc., and the data management is the basic equipment of computer, [2]
For an enterprise, the computing power of a computer is far unable to meet the demand of data operation, the company is going to buy a computer operation ability is stronger, also is the server, and for big enterprises, a server computing power is obviously not enough, it requires enterprises to purchase multiple servers, even became a have multiple servers in the data center, and the number of servers can directly affect the business processing capabilities of the data center, in addition to high initial construction costs, as the cost of the computer in spending money on electricity cost is much higher than the investment, combined with computer and network maintenance expenses, the total cost is small and medium-sized enterprise is hard to bear, can develop the concept of Yu Shiyun calculation, [2]
The development course
Cloud computing this concept is put forward to today, have almost 10 years, in this decade, cloud computing has achieved rapid development and great changes, nowadays, cloud computing is regarded as a revolution in the field of computer network, because it is the emergence of the workings of a society and business models are also a big change, [1]
Trace the roots of cloud computing, and its emergence and development of the previously mentioned parallel computing, distributed computing and computer technology closely related, all promoters the growth of cloud computing, but trace the history of the cloud, can be traced back to 1956, published a paper about virtualization ChristopherStrachey, because officially proposed virtualization, virtualization is the core of the cloud computing infrastructure, today is the basis for the development of cloud computing, and then with the development of network technology, gradually gave birth to the germination of cloud computing, [1]
In the 90 s of last century, the computer network in the big bang, the series represented by cisco to company, then the network bubble era,
Cloud computing
1, virtualization technology,
Must be stressed that the virtualization broke through the time and space limit, is the most significant features of cloud computing, virtualization technology including the application of virtual resources and virtual two kinds, it is well known that the physical platform and application deployment environment in space is no contact, it is through the virtual platform to the corresponding terminal operation to complete data backup, migration and extension, etc., [5]
2, dynamic extensible,
Cloud computing have efficient operation ability, on the basis of the original server can increase cloud computing function, fast computing speed, finally realizes the dynamic extension level to achieve the purpose of extending the application of virtualization, [5]
3, on-demand deployment,
Computer contains many application, application software, such as different application of corresponding data repository is different, so the user to run different applications need strong ability of calculation of resources deployment, and cloud computing platform can according to the needs of users equipped with computing power and resources, [5]
4, high flexibility,
On the market at present most of IT resources, soft and hardware support for virtualization, such as storage network, operating system and the development of soft and hardware and so on, the unified virtualization elements on cloud manage system resources among virtual pool, the compatibility of cloud computing is very strong, not only can be compatible with low configuration machine, different vendors of hardware products, peripherals can also get higher performance calculation, [5]
5, high reliability,
If a server failure also does not affect the normal operation of the calculation and application, as a single point of server failure can through virtualization technology will be distributed in different physical servers to restore the above application or use of the dynamic extension function deployment of new servers to calculate, [5]
6, cost-effective,
Put virtual resource pool resources unified management to a certain extent, optimize the physical resource, users no longer need expensive, host storage space is large, can choose relatively cheap cloud PC, on the one hand, reduce the cost, on the other hand computing performance is not inferior to the mainframe, [5]
7, extensibility,
Users can use the rapid deployment condition of the application software is more simple and fast to their own existing and new business to expand, such as, computer equipment failures appear in the cloud computing system, for use in the computer level, or are not blocked on the concrete application, cloud computing has the function of the dynamic extensions can use computer to other servers to carry out the effective extension, thus can ensure tasks finished orderly, in the dynamic extension of virtualization resources in the circumstances, can efficiently extend application at the same time, improve the level of the computer the operation of cloud computing, [5]
Service type
Usually, the service type of it is divided into three categories, namely infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS), the three cloud computing services are sometimes referred to as cloud computing stack, because they build a stack, they lie on top of each other, the following is an overview of the three services: [6]
1, IaaS infrastructure as a service)
Infrastructure as a service is one of the main categories of services, it provides to the individual or organization of cloud computing providers virtualized computing resources, such as virtual machine, storage, network and operating system, [6]
2, the platform as a service (PaaS)
Platform as a service is a service category, for developers building applications and through global Internet service platform, Paas for developing, testing and management software applications provide on-demand development environment, [6]
3, software as a service (SaaS)
Software as a service as well as the class of service, pay via the Internet to provide on-demand software applications, cloud computing providers hosting and management of software applications, and allows the user to connect to the application and through the global Internet access application, [6]
Key technology to achieve
Cloud computing implementation key technologies as follows:
A, architecture
Implement computer cloud computing needs to create a certain environment and condition, especially the architecture must have the following key characteristics, first, the system must be intelligent, have autonomy ability, reduce artificial operation under the premise of automated processing platform required by intellectual response, so the cloud system should be with embedded automation technology; Second, in the face of changing signals or demand cloud systems to have quick response ability, so the cloud computing architecture has certain agile requirements, at the same time, with the rapid change of the service level and growth rate, cloud computing also faces huge challenges, and built-in clustering technology and virtualization technology to cope with these changes,
The classification of cloud computing
IaaS: virtualization technology is the key technology of IaaS
PaaS: key technologies have parallel programming technology, the sea bright database, resource scheduling and monitoring, very large distributed file systems such as distributed parallel computing platform technology,
Meaning: make software provides a kind of Internet services,
Lower the threshold of the users to use the software application,
Field representatives saleforce
Technical features: online application,
Cloud computing and distributed computing
Cloud computing is a concept that is essentially the distribution on the web server hardware and software resources together to provide services, such as providing large computing, network storage, cloud applications, etc.,
Many techniques are used to cloud computing, distributed computing is one of the technology of its use,
Cloud computing and grid computing
Grid computing and cloud computing is to use network resources to calculate way,
The primary difference between them as follows:
1, the concept of different
Grid computing is a kind of distributed computing, is a computer science, it refers to a very large computing power is needed to solve the problem is divided into many small parts, and then put the part assigned to many computer processing, finally the results are combined to get the final result;
Cloud computing is a kind of distributed computing, refers to the "cloud" through the network will be huge data processing program is decomposed into thousands of small programs, and then, through a number of servers for the processing and analysis system of the small program to get the results, and returned to the user,
Cloud computing architecture
Its architecture is roughly divided into three levels: the core service layer, service management, user access interface layer,
Cloud computing core services are divided into three layers IaaS, PaaS, SaaS
IaaS provide hardware infrastructure deployment services for users on demand to provide physical or virtual computing, storage and network resources, such as in the process of using IaaS, users need to IaaS service provider to provide infrastructure configuration information, program code to run on infrastructure and related user data, in order to optimize the distribution of the hardware resources, IaaS layer virtualization technology is introduced,
PaaS is cloud computing applications running environment, provide application deployment and management services, through the PaaS layer of software tools and development of language application, developers only need to upload the program code and data to be able to use service, rather than having to focus on the underlying network storage management problem of the operating system,
SaaS is based on the cloud computing platform application development, enterprises can be solved by renting a SaaS service enterprise informatization,
Data storage, data storage cloud computing environment is often referred to as mass data storage and large data storage, data storage and the traditional database service in nature has a larger difference,
Similar to Google's graphs, in December 2010, Microsoft company launched a Dryad beta, a Dryad huge amounts of data, through the calculation of distributed computing network for Dryad the parallel model based on directed rings DAG,
Virtualization: technology mainly have three characteristics: resource sharing, resource customization, fine-grained resource management,
Google cloud computing principle of key technology: GFS, graphs, bigtable
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