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The fifth chapter Web principle and application development


1. The HTTP protocol
1.1 the WWW
WWW is by far the most famous distributed applications, the Chinese name for the "Web", often referred to as the Web, the WWW service is currently the most widely used a basic Internet application, the first day we surf the Internet to use this service,
1.2 the TCP/IP
TCP/IP, transmission control protocol/Internet interconnection, is the most basic protocol and the Internet international Internet network, the basis of TCP/IP defines the electronic devices connected to the Internet and data transmission in standard,
1.3 the HTTP protocol principle
HTTP (hypertext transfer protocol) is used to transfer the data of WWW, is one of the most widely used Internet network protocol, HTTP is a connection-oriented, stateless request response protocol, is also a client terminal (user) kimono services end (website) the standard of the request and response,
1.4 the HTTPS
HTTPS (hypertext transfer security protocol) is the safety of the HTTP version, is a kind of based on the HTTP SSL/TLS, all of the HTTP data are over SSL/TLS protocol encapsulation transmission, HTTP is used for information transmission between the Web browser and the Web server, for data transmission security, HTTPS based on HTTP joined the SSL protocol, SSL relying on the certificate to verify the identity of the server, and for the communication between the browser and server encryption,
2. The Web development technology
2.1 HTML
HTML hypertext markup language, is used to describe web page,
2.2 JavaScript
JavaScript is a kind of based on the object and event driven and have safety performance of scripting language, is the purpose of using it to HTML, Java scripting language together to achieve multiple objects in a Web page link, and Web client interactions,
2.3 CSS
Cascading style sheets (CSS) style sheet, and often called style used for web page style design,
XML 2.4
XML (extensible markup language) is a kind of similar to the HTML markup language, is mainly used for structured document information, XML and HTML design for different purposes, the difference between including XML is used to transport and store data, namely the design of XML purpose is to transmit data, rather than displaying data, while HTML is only used to display data. HTML tags are predefined, and XML is not defined label, need to define the tag,
2.5 the Cookie mechanism
Cookie is actually a small piece of text information, the client request to the server, if the server need to record the user state, use the response to the client browser issue a Cookie, the client browser will keep the cookies, when a browser requests the site again, the browser request url submitted to the server, along with the Cookie server check the Cookie, to identify the user state, the server can also according to need to modify the contents of the Cookie,
2.6 the Session mechanism
Session is another record customer status of mechanism, and cookies, cookies are stored on the client browser, the session stored on the server, the client browser to access the server, the server to the client information in the form of a record on the server, the client browser visit again just need to search for the customer from the session state,
2.7 the Applet
Applet is available through the Internet to download and receiving a small fairy to run on a computer program, the Applet is usually written in the Java language and run in the browser software, typical applications for the web web page customization or add interactive format element,
2.8 the Servlet
JavaServlet is a as a separate file with web pages to send small programs, usually run on the server side, can provide operation for users or positioning graphics based on user interaction and other services,
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