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Beginners must-see - UE4 nine techniques used in the blueprint


If you choose to rely on a large number of visual script, you need enough to understand it,
These Suggestions are mainly for blueprint for beginners, but eventually advanced users can also find something new in this article,
1. The shortcut Getter and Setter
If you drag and drop a variable, just keep the ALT key to add a node SET, hold down the CTR to add the GET node,

Note that if the variable type is valid, you can also drag and drop the node of the input or output directly,

2. Use reroot node
Blueprint carelessly will become chaotic like pasta, use reroutes greatly help us to improve the readability,
Add reroot nodes, only in the context menu type "rerou
Or double-click a link

3. The branch shortcut: "b"
Make sure all the most commonly used node, even if it is only a small percentage of the benefits of, only by you to add the number of a branch to improve efficiency,
When you click on to press the "b"

4. Automatic layout tool
UE4 engine with a useful tool, by automatically aligned to beautify your nodes,

Looks like is not very perfect, if you like I have obsessive-compulsive disorder, I think you will spend a few hours to remove those nodes, but it is very helpful on the blueprint of the whole system,

5. Simple rearrange
It is worth noting that have an automatic option from the menu to rearrange a blueprint

6. In search of all the blueprint
In the blueprint of the default concentrated in the selected file search tool, but you only need to uncheck "only to find the current blueprint" can search anywhere,

Another noteworthy is that the search domain support advanced search functionality (including specific elements, search logical operators support, etc.), and view the official document,

7. The classification of the variables and functions
Blueprint provides options to categorize variables, like the GameMode or GameInstance growth very fast large blueprint is very useful,
You can't directly from the variables palette classification, you must change variables, under the Category options

Even the best code is no good comments and immediately read,
Please keep in mind that there are two types of comments in the blueprint:
1. The comments box, use shortcuts "C", change the color of property is a good idea
2. The code comments, move the mouse on a code segment, and then click on the icon of the code above three small, as shown in the figure below:

9. The use of mathematical node
Blueprint is very fast to use, but when it comes to small mathematical operation, for example when you take 100 times, it will take the code form,
In order to avoid such a thing, into mathematics node here! It is able to process parameters, enables you to write an inline operations,
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