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The Hive to start the error - which: no hbase in


Hive configuration after the completion of the start-up error (in case did not start the hadoop Hive command is the same)

Below is the error information, hope god can help solve,

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Which: no hbase (in/opt/Java/jdk1.8.0 _101/bin:/usr/local/sbin,/usr/local/bin,/sbin,/bin:/usr/sbin,/usr/bin:/opt/hadoop/hadoop - 2.6.4/bin:/opt/hadoop/hadoop - 2.6.4/sbin,/root/bin:/opt/hive/apache - hive - 2.1.0 - bin/bin)
SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings.
SLF4J: Found the binding in [the jar: file:/opt/tuniu/hive/apache - hive - 2.1.0 - bin/lib/log4j - SLF4J - impl - against 2.4.1. Jar!/org/SLF4J/impl/StaticLoggerBinder class]
SLF4J: Found the binding in [the jar: file:/opt/tuniu/hadoop/hadoop - 2.6.4/share/hadoop/common/lib/SLF4J - log4j12-1.7.5. Jar!/org/SLF4J/impl/StaticLoggerBinder class]
SLF4J: See http://www.slf4j.org/codes.html#multiple_bindings for an explanation.
SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [. Org. Apache logging. SLF4J. Log4jLoggerFactory]

Logging the initialized using the configuration in the jar: file:/opt/tuniu/hive/apache - hive - 2.1.0 - bin/lib/hive - common - 2.1.0. Jar!/hive - log4j2. Properties Async: true
The Exception in the thread "main" Java. Lang. RuntimeException: org.. Apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Metadata. HiveException: org.. Apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Metadata. HiveException: MetaException (message: hive metastore database is not initialized. Both Please use schematool (i.e.,/schematool - initSchema - dbType... ) to create the schema. If men, don 't forget to include the option to auto - create the physicist database in your JDBC connection string (e.g.? CreateDatabaseIfNotExist=true for mysql))
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Session. The SessionState. Start (SessionState. Java: 578)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Session. The SessionState. BeginStart (SessionState. Java: 518)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Cli. CliDriver. Run (705) CliDriver. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Cli. CliDriver. Main (641) CliDriver. Java:
At sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke0 (Native Method)
At sun. Reflect. NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (NativeMethodAccessorImpl. Java: 62)
At sun. Reflect. DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Invoke (43) DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl. Java:
The at Java. Lang. Reflect. Method. Invoke (498) Method. The Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Util. RunJar. Run (221) RunJar. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Util. RunJar. Main (136) RunJar. Java:
Under Caused by: org. Apache. Hadoop. Hive. Ql. Metadata. HiveException: org.. Apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Metadata. HiveException: MetaException (message: hive metastore database is not initialized. Both Please use schematool (i.e.,/schematool - initSchema - dbType... ) to create the schema. If men, don 't forget to include the option to auto - create the physicist database in your JDBC connection string (e.g.? CreateDatabaseIfNotExist=true for mysql))
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Metadata. Hive. RegisterAllFunctionsOnce (hive. Java: 226)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Metadata. Hive. & lt; init> (Hive. Java: 366)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Metadata. Hive. The create (hive. Java: 310)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Metadata. Hive. GetInternal (hive. Java: 290)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Metadata. Hive. Get (266) hive. Java:
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Session. The SessionState. Start (SessionState. Java: 545)
. Nine more
Under Caused by: org. Apache. Hadoop. Hive. Ql. Metadata. HiveException: MetaException (message: hive metastore database is not initialized. Both Please use schematool (i.e.,/schematool - initSchema - dbType... ) to create the schema. If men, don 't forget to include the option to auto - create the physicist database in your JDBC connection string (e.g.? CreateDatabaseIfNotExist=true for mysql))
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Metadata. Hive. GetAllFunctions (hive. Java: 3593)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Metadata. Hive. ReloadFunctions (hive. Java: 236)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Metadata. Hive. RegisterAllFunctionsOnce (hive. Java: 221)
. 14 more
Under Caused by: MetaException (message: Hive metastore database is not initialized. Both Please use schematool (i.e.,/schematool - initSchema - dbType... ) to create the schema. If men, don 't forget to include the option to auto - create the physicist database in your JDBC connection string (e.g.? CreateDatabaseIfNotExist=true for mysql))
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Metadata. Hive. GetMSC (hive. Java: 3364)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Metadata. Hive. GetMSC (hive. Java: 3336)
At org, apache hadoop. Hive. Ql. Metadata. Hive. GetAllFunctions (hive. Java: 3590)
. 16 more


CodePudding user response:

This should be a mysql driver is copied into the hive lib directory,

Download mysql jars mysql connector - Java - XXX. XXXX - bin. Jar, under the hive lib installation directory,

Start the hadoop;
Start the hive.

CodePudding user response:

Kao in or appear the problem (solving online, etc.)

CodePudding user response:

I also encountered this problem, now have the answer?

CodePudding user response:

Solved?? How to solve????

CodePudding user response:

Can you tell me the solution?nullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnull
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