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The second chapter distributed computing paradigm


Generic examples was defined as a pattern or model, today and everyone together learn distributed computing generics, distributed computing paradigm can be divided into five categories, a total of a total of nine kinds of common generic, then introduced,

A, message

News related to generic including messaging generics and generic message system,
1. The messaging generic
Messaging is the basic way to communicate with each other, between process transfer messages between two processes, a sender, a receiver, the sender sends a request message, the message is transmitted to the receiver, by returning a reply message after receiving treatment,
2. The generic message system
Generic message system or object oriented middleware (MOM) is on the basis of the basic messaging generic extension, the message system can understand into a mediation between independence and process, so that both the process of communication between each other is no please coupling relationship, the sender sends a message, the message is placed into the message system, then forwarded by the message system corresponding to the receiver, the sender once the message is sent out, can perform other tasks, forward the rest of the work has a message system,

Generic message system seeds can be further divided into two types: point-to-point messaging generics and publish/subscribe message generics,
1) point-to-point messaging generic
This generic sender and receiver is one to one correspondence of generics, the sender sends a message to the messaging system, information system and then forwarded to the receiver of the message queue, the message system can provide temporary storage mechanism, the sending and receiving the message, the receiver from its own message queue to extract messages, then treated,
2) the publish/subscribe messaging generic
This generic is a many-to-many generics, multiple subscribers can have multiple subscriptions, the sender sends a message to the messaging system, messaging system according to the subscriber's subscription type and message types will forward the message to every subscribers subscribe to this type of news, the generic can provide a process to a set of processes of multicast message,

Second, the server

Server related generic including client/server generics and P2P generics,
3. The client/server generic
Client/server generics is composed of the client and the server, the asymmetric character of the two cooperation process, process client requests to the server, and wait for the server response, the server waiting for a request from the client, the processing and response,

4. P2P generic
P2P generic from P2P networks (also known as peer network), it is a no central server, rely on the user group of exchange system of the Internet, each user is a node, responsibility and act as a server, can say is that there is no server, also can say every client is a server,

Three, the remote call
Remote calls related to generic including remote procedure call (RPC) generics, generic distributed object generics and network services,
5. Remote procedure call (RPC) generic
Provides a enables developers to like writing in traditional application running on a single processor, write generic distributed software system, can use similar ideas and concepts to local procedure call, for interprocess communication,

6. Distributed object generic
Distributed object generics to object-oriented distributed system, is a natural extension of object-oriented software development technology, can make an application to access distributed in different objects on the network, by calling the object, the method of application layer sequence can gain access to a service,
1) remote method invocation (rmi)
Remote method invocation (RMI) is an object-oriented version of the RPC, the process can call object method, the object can reside in a remote host,
2) the object request broker
Object request broker generic object requesters, providers and object request broker, process to the request object request broker object request broker forwards the request to provide the expected service object,

7. Web services generic
Network service generic service requesters and service providers (objects) and three of directory service, first of all, the service provider will register themselves to the directory on the server on the network, when the service requesters need to access the service, direct contact with the server directory, if the request of the service is available, by the directory server returns a reference to the service or address, process using the reference with the required services to interact,

Four, mobile agent
8. Mobile agent generic
Mobile agent is a generic type movable program or object, an agent from the source host, and then according to its carrying the execution of the route, automatically between hosts on the Internet, mobile agent on each host access to the resources or services, and perform the necessary tasks to complete the mission,

Five, cloud service
9. Cloud service generic
The national institute of standards and technology defines the three types of cloud computing service model: IaaS, PaaS and SaaS,
1) infrastructure as a service (IaaS)
Provide virtual hardware resources in the form of service, users don't need to buy servers, network devices, storage devices, only through the Internet lease can build their own application system,
2) platform as a service (PaaS)
Provide application service engine, such as the Internet application programming interface, operation platform, users can be constructed based on the application service engine such application,
3) software as a service (SaaS)
Users through the Internet to use the software, the user does not have to buy the software, only on-demand software that rent,
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