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Distributed computing overview


Distributed computing definition is to study how to make a very large computing power is needed to solve the problem is divided into many small parts, and then put the part assigned to many computer processing, finally the results together to get the final result, distributed computing, compared with other algorithm has the following advantages:
1, scarce resources can be Shared,
2, can be on multiple computers by distributed computing load balance calculation,
3, can put the program on the computer is most suited to running it,
Among them, the sharing of rare resources and balance load is one of the core of the computer distributed computing,

Working principle: distributed computing is the use of the Internet computer CPU idle processing power to solve the problem of big type of computing a computational science, here, let's see how it works:
Above all, want to find a very large computing power is needed to solve the problem, this kind of problem is usually the interdisciplinary, challenging, human scientific research subject of htac,

To compute the form of distributed computing: computing, parallel computing, network computing, grid computing, cloud computing

The characteristics of the distributed system: reliability, scalability, availability, colleges and universities, theory of CAP (CAP theory that for A distributed computing system, cannot simultaneously meet the following 3 points: consistency, C availability. A, partition tolerate P)

The core of distributed computing technology based on distributed computing technology is the interprocess communication (IPC) in independent interprocess communication and the ability to work together to accomplish a task,

The IPC program interface prototype: send (send), and the receive (accepted), connent (connection), disconnent disconnected ()

To solve deadlocks: 1. Use timeout mechanism to set a deadline for the biggest obstruction
2. Use child processes or threads to provide blocking operations

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