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The more cloud applications, cloud security will become even more vulnerable


Cloud computing besides has the extremely high market efficiency, simplify the enterprise IT operations, the built-in security and very obvious advantages such as easy to deploy, with cloud computing technology and market promotion, publicity and fall to the ground, the application of cloud computing has gradually won numerous customers, IDC predicts that by 2020, more than 50% of the developers will be based on public cloud platform to deliver the solution to the digital transformation of users,

The IT development of cloud computing 2.0

The next few years, IT will soon enter the cloud computing development 2.0, will form the following several characteristics:


Cloud computing industry centralization is very obvious, presenting a "Matthew effect", according to IDC, when enterprise every build a data center, the third party manufacturers or data center cloud vendors would build a data center, 2.5


Concentration and distribution of the contradiction, actually see different results from different angles, from the user's point of view, "don't put all your eggs in one basket", choose the cloudy platform is not easy to be a single vendor lock-in, in addition, different cloud vendors will have their own particular advantages, so the client can be used multiple cloud vendor products or solutions,


By 2020, more than 80% of fortune 500 companies will cloud digital services provided to clients through industry, at home, including finance, manufacturing, medical and other industries, are doing from cloud solutions,


At present many large cloud service providers to provide users with the ability of artificial intelligence and solutions, users will be treated as the artificial intelligence based on cloud platform, and artificial intelligence, in turn, can help a cloud platform operation,


Most cloud service users to deploy applications in the cloud to provide agency business, service platform,


Cloud computing will become one of the mainstream platform providing IT safety and reliability, and about 60% of the companies will use cloud platform in conformity with the industry standard,

In the future, cloud computing could toward the trend of six trends,

Cloud computing service mode to redefine

Cloud computing is a kind of business model and service providers in the environment of the custom processing complete infrastructure and software requirements of customers, with the development of cloud computing, cloud services and solutions will grow, including software as a service (SaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) adoption rate will be sustained and rapid growth in the short term, since the introduction of enterprise cloud services, cloud file sharing service will be increased, and consumers of cloud services will also rise,

A hybrid cloud solution

2018, cloud to cloud the connection continues to grow, by allowing data and application sharing, so as to realize the public and private cloud fusion cloud computing environment is called a hybrid cloud, at present, multiple cloud providers are open API on the platform, to connect more than one solution, which helps to synchronize the multidisciplinary and cross-functional process, to meet the needs of the business, the enterprise will be connected to the cloud solution, in terms of control data flow, internal deployment of network security is a better choice,

Crowdsourcing data store

Traditional cloud storage is unsafe, slow speed and high cost, so will implement the crowdsourcing data storage, enterprises also use this type of storage is to generate more crowdsourcing data,

Cloud security holes

The more cloud applications, cloud security will become more fragile, in the near future, cloud computing industry more network security company will combine new cloud security measures are put forward, as had been in the domestic well-known network security products in the macro service providers 360 enterprise security group reached cooperation, realize the automation of cloud security service, speed and integration can be redefined cloud security measures,

The Internet of things (IoT) and cloud computing

Cloud and the Internet of things (IoT) are inseparable, because the Internet of things need the cloud to run and execution, the Internet of things is a complete set of management and integrated services, allowing companies to large-scale scattered from global equipment connection, data management and absorb the Internet of things, for real-time data processing and analysis, the implementation of change in operation, and according to the need for action, the use of cloud computing will, together with the Internet of things development,

No server cloud computing

Cloud computing is one of the main advantages of payment according to the consumption pattern diversification, in the absence of the server in the cloud computing is more apparent, with no server application will be for those who focus on network security and malware protection enterprises provide instant payment type to pay mode, which makes the trigger type log, packet capture analysis and use no server infrastructure of traffic information will become more common, and allows the small and medium-sized enterprises to obtain the same size as a large enterprise efficiency and flexibility,
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