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Supply chain finance
Supply chain financial innovations introduced as banking business in recent years, of the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises in our country, opens a new way to solve the problem, has become the new business growth point of commercial bank credit business, the nature of supply chain finance is a bank around the core enterprise, bank financial products and financial services to maximize the advantages of the application to the enterprise, and through the management of upstream and downstream of small and medium-sized enterprises cash flow, information flow, logistics, and change the single enterprise uncontrollable risks for the controllable risk, enterprise supply chain by stereo for different types of information, the risk control in the lowest financial services, provides a reliable channel of financing for small and medium enterprises, to a certain extent, solves the small and medium-sized enterprise financing difficult circumstances
Supply chain financial market in China is still in the primary stage of development, compared with the developed country mature supply chain financial market also has the very big development space, with the transformation of the development of economy and environment, the current economic system and measures have greatly limits the small and medium-sized enterprise financing channels, at present our country's tax system, information platform, such as the environment does not have the capacity to support the operation of the supply chain finance, consumption credit evaluation of manpower cost and the cost of capital can't afford, lack of corresponding system constraints and management problems, such as the supply chain finance in our country small and medium-sized enterprises (smes) play a proper role,
Due to problems in the development process of small and medium-sized enterprise itself is not effectively solved, supply chain finance can smoothly to the enterprise management and services, such as the development of small and medium-sized enterprises have different level, different construction scale, management level is not advanced, going, financial situation, assets status many internal problems such as jagged cannot get the trust and recognition of the bank, so you cannot forms a good relationship with a bank, unable to ease the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises (smes),
Supply chain financial market in China is still in the primary stage of development, needs the financial department of state support, reduce the tax burden of small and medium enterprises, improve the management benefit of small and medium-sized enterprises, provide favorable conditions for the supply chain finance, further solve the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises, high cost of financing difficulties, such as the United States in the supply chain finance development in the bud, reduce the small and medium-sized enterprise tax burden, make supply chain financial achieved rapid application and promoted in the United States, for the American economy soar on the wings to fly,
To improve the operating environment of supply chain finance construction environment framework of organized orderly, and cultivate professional talents, better implementation of supply chain finance service; To accelerate the development and innovation of financial products, perfect products and services; Give policy tilt, to small and medium-sized enterprises to broaden the financing conditions, guarantee the development prospects and development potential of small and medium-sized enterprises can timely access to financial support,
Small and medium-sized enterprise how to strengthen the construction of its own: first, the small and medium-sized enterprises in strengthening the construction of their own must vigorously promotes the product quality, increase investment in product research and development, constantly introduce new products, enhance product technical support, enlarge the market share of enterprise products, enhance the level of enterprise business management, second, learn the advanced management mode, backward management concept, improve their defects and deficiencies, to raise their overall management level, make oneself become more outstanding in the supply chain in the financial markets, the third, the small and medium-sized enterprises in the supply chain in the financial system and its partners to establish harmonious relations of cooperation, with the core enterprises to maintain good cooperation in the business, keep good communication with banking institutions, increase the social resources, broaden the financing channels, not was defeated in the flow of the economy,
Non-performing loans in China's financial sector accounts for a large proportion of small and medium-sized enterprises, financial institutions based on the risk factors to consider, not willing to put money loans to small and medium-sized enterprises, the formation of the small and medium-sized enterprise financing difficult situation, should be under the premise that conform to the objective law of market, establish a diversified way of guarantee, such as third-party guarantee agencies, risk compensation fund, etc., common for loan risks, ensure the quality of small and medium-sized enterprise loan,
Information asymmetry is one of the primary reason for financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprise, if can't solve the problem of asymmetric information of supply chain finance will be impassable, play to the functions of the government, establish information disclosure supervision mechanism, establish standards of disclosure of information process, solve the impact of information asymmetry on the financing,
In China's economic development road, get rid of the financing difficulties of small and medium-sized enterprises has very important practical significance, the future competition is not a single enterprise and the competition between the enterprises, but the competition between supply chain and supply chain, small and medium-sized enterprises must accelerate into the supply chain in the financial services, is the guarantee of small and medium-sized enterprise is based on the fundamental elements in the flow of the economy, the use of supply chain financial advantage, make small and medium-sized enterprises out of financing difficulties,
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