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Einstein is genius.

Einstein was a genius, it is a proposition that there is no doubt, he wrote in the Patent Office free of the theory of relativity, can let we learn for a long time for a period of time, and still can not learn,

The ten sets of TV series is the picture of Einstein's life, and of course in some of the story is not real, although Einstein has a high visibility, but as a physicist, not many audiences want to see him how to use calculus to calculus of his theory of relativity, and few people will go to understand the relativity of the discovery process, they will only on the time variable, interested in space can be bent,

Director don't know whether I see many Chinese youth idol films, will be introduced to the Einstein's theory of love, and so on series, indeed it will attract a lot of the audience, but with Madame Curie and universal relation of lang, will feel to the person, what a mess your circle, the original do science are also popular this,

Take and Einstein have equal heavyweight, maxwell, unified the electromagnetic fields, predicts the electromagnetic wave alone, maxwell completed his after maxwell's equations, however, his wife is ill, maxwell immediately stopped work on the head, every day before bed concentrate on taking care of his wife, and electromagnetic next door - Newton, are saying that everyone shocked: I found that I have deeply belongs to mathematics, can't give you happiness, then alone,

Einstein discovered the theory of relativity, the chivalrous know his theory of relativity does not contain the gravitational field, he spent 10 years, found that the general theory of relativity, in the process, he taught himself Riemannian geometry, as well as mathematician Hilbert with his theory of relativity, so who has a general theory of relativity found right? Is calculated according to the formal submission date, Hilbert than Einstein gravitational field equation 5 days before the found, if according to the date of publication, Hilbert's paper is published in the second year, between the two of them is a mutual communication, communication letters Einstein equations are called Hilbert mail to him, Einstein's equations have steal the Hilbert, still see the error equations of Hilbert, found in the wrong, and then find the right equation, I'm afraid the only Einstein this clear, but one thing there is no doubt that is Einstein's idea to have the general theory of relativity, there is no Einstein's ideas, space is bent, the light bends in the gravitational field, the equivalence principle, is there won't be the last final verdict of the gravitational field equations, so as the Hilbert say, is Einstein's general relativity,

Although Einstein's theory of relativity has sufficient theoretical support, also has the experiment proves, but Einstein won the Nobel Prize for his contribution to the photoelectric effect, not because the scientific rigorous but not for Einstein's theory of relativity, but many scientists at that time were not able to very good accept the theory of relativity, originally absolute time and absolute space and absolute motion, and the idea of relativity is very powerful and unconstrained style, all become relatively, also has won the Nobel Prize scientists also said, if to the relativity, they return their Nobel Prize, the Nobel Prize committee has to parse the contribution of the photoelectric effect and the related research award, at the same time also reflects the relativity of abstruse, difficult to understand,

Einstein's life was spent in the unified field theory research, makes every effort to unify the electromagnetic and gravitational field, use an equation or equations to describe, in general is going the right direction, but as a result of the limitation of the objective, the people did not find that weak interaction, so that the research stagnation,

Why Newton, maxwell, Einstein, they are all the same giant, but Einstein was particularly popular with people? Because of the powerful and unconstrained style theory, time can change, have entered into and out of the hole, a bending of light, people won't care about the theory behind, time is slow, but need to be close to the speed of light, close to the speed of light has the need to how much energy? Have it? Any object schwarzschild radius, only quality is very great, would become a black hole, and only very large surface quality, talent is the light bending, as we also see a variety of web pages, but behind come and go are database CRUD,

If you want to use a words, Einstein: Einstein is genius.
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