I've got the following question and the challenging part of for me is to calculate the wanted value without using panda.
Question :
- Please download a CSV file containing the stock history of some companies, for example from:
http://finance.yahoo.com/q/hp?s=MSFT(Download Data)
Save files giving them different names to a local folder on your drive
Write a program that searches for CSV files with stock rates in a given folder and for every one of them:
Calculates the percentage change between Close and Open price and adds these values as another column to this CSV file.
You can replace the old file or create a new one.Change = (Close-Open)/Open
- The output files can be stored in another folder
- You can use Python to download files. An example is given here:
https://raw.githubusercontent.com/prubach/Python_Winter_2022_1/master/download_file.py- Please do not use pandas, or only use it as an alternative way of implementing it along a more "manual" way using just python without any libraries.
from urllib import request
# Define the remote file to retrieve
url = 'https://query1.finance.yahoo.com/v7/finance/download/IBM?period1=1639213520&period2=1670749520&interval=1d&events=history&includeAdjustedClose=true'
# Define the local filename to save data
file_IBM = 'IBM.csv'
# Download remote and save locally
request.urlretrieve(url, file_IBM)
class Change:
def __init__(self,o,c):
self.open = o
self.close = c
def calc_percentage(self):
return (self.c - self.o)/self.o
r = Change(IMB.csv)
I tried to make a new column using an object-oriented format but it's not working. And how I am writing my code is I have my data file on a separate python page and I am writing the code on another page and faced some issues connecting these 2 pages
CodePudding user response:
with open('IBM.csv', 'r') as file: reader = csv.reader(file) for column in reader: print(column)
Okay, so far what I did was to use this code to read the data file I have. now I should use this formula (close - open)/open Now my question is how should I implement this formula into this code?!
CodePudding user response:
I know you are asking to not use libraries if possible, but have you considered using the following the built-in pandas function that calculates percentage changes: