I know the Ansible fetch-module can copy a file from remote to local, but what if I only need the contents (in my case a tmp file holding the ip address) appended into a local file?
Fetch module does this:
- name: Store file into /tmp/fetched/
src: /tmp/somefile
dest: /tmp/fetched
I need it to do something like this:
- name: Store file into /tmp/fetched/
src: /tmp/somefile.txt
dest: cat src >> /tmp/fetched.txt
CodePudding user response:
In a nutshell:
- name: Get remote file content
src: /tmp/somefile.txt
register: somefile
- name: Append remote file content to a local file
target_file: /tmp/fetched.txt
content: |-
{{ lookup('file', target_file) }}
{{ somefile.content | b64decode }}
dest: "{{ target_file }}"
# Fix write concurrency when running on multiple targets
throttle: 1
delegate_to: localhost
- the second task isn't idempotent (will modify the file on each run even with the same content to append)
- this will work for small target files. If that file becomes huge and you experience high execution times / memory consumptions, you might want to switch to
for the second task:
- name: Append remote file content to a local file
cmd: echo "{{ somefile.content | b64decode }}" > /tmp/fetched
# You might still want to avoid concurrency with multiple targets
throttle: 1
delegate_to: localhost
Alternatively, you could write all contents from all fetched files from all your targets in one go to avoid the concurrency problem and gain some time.
# Copy solution
- name: Append remote files contents to a local file
target_file: /tmp/fetched.txt
fetched_content: "{{ ansible_play_hosts
| map('extract', hostvars, 'somefile.content')
| map('b64decode')
| join('\n') }}"
content: |-
{{ lookup('file', target_file) }}
{{ fetched_content }}
dest: "{{ target_file }}"
delegate_to: localhost
run_once: true
# Shell solution
- name: Append remote files contents to a local file
fetched_content: "{{ ansible_play_hosts
| map('extract', hostvars, 'somefile.content')
| map('b64decode')
| join('\n') }}"
cmd: echo "{{ fetched_content }}" > /tmp/fetched
delegate_to: localhost
run_once: true