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C# compare datagridview cells to int number


when I have a datagridview and I need to compare a cell with a number and then color the cell accordingly

 private void DGV2_CellFormatting(object sender, DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs e)
            if (Convert.ToInt32(DGV2.Rows[11].Cells[3].ColumnIndex) > 96.69)
                DGV2.Rows[11].Cells[3].Style.BackColor = Color.LightGreen;
             if (Convert.ToInt32(DGV2.Rows[11].Cells[3].ColumnIndex) > 94)
                DGV2.Rows[11].Cells[3].Style.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
            if (Convert.ToInt32(DGV2.Rows[11].Cells[3].ColumnIndex) < 94)
                DGV2.Rows[11].Cells[3].Style.BackColor = Color.Red;


it's not showing me correctly

CodePudding user response:

you need

        if (Convert.ToInt32(DGV2.Rows[11].Cells[3].ColumnIndex) > 96.69)
            DGV2.Rows[11].Cells[3].Style.BackColor = Color.LightGreen;
        } else if (Convert.ToInt32(DGV2.Rows[11].Cells[3].ColumnIndex) > 94)
            DGV2.Rows[11].Cells[3].Style.BackColor = Color.Yellow;
        else if (Convert.ToInt32(DGV2.Rows[11].Cells[3].ColumnIndex) < 94)
            DGV2.Rows[11].Cells[3].Style.BackColor = Color.Red;


CodePudding user response:

I already found a way to do it, thank you very much for the answers, they helped me, I typed double and had the wrong input format (shame on me) thank you very much, I am showing how I solved it, in case it could help someone.

 private void DGV3_CellFormatting(object sender, DataGridViewCellFormattingEventArgs e)
        DataGridViewRow selectedRow = DGV3.Rows[11];
        label3.Text = (selectedRow.Cells[3].Value.ToString());
        label3.Text = label3.Text.Replace("%", "");
        double someDouble = 96.69;
        int y = Convert.ToInt32(someDouble);
        double d = Convert.ToDouble(label3.Text, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
        int vstup = Convert.ToInt32(d);

        if (vstup > y)
            DGV3.Rows[11].Cells[3].Style.BackColor = Color.LightGreen;

         if (vstup >= 94)
            DGV3.Rows[11].Cells[3].Style.BackColor = Color.Yellow;

        if (vstup < 94)
            DGV3.Rows[11].Cells[3].Style.BackColor = Color.Red;

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