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Action Fetch only works the first time


First of all thank you for any help you can give me. I want to be able to dynamically activate/deactivate the status of a partner.

enter image description here

On each status change, a Bootstrap modal opens

enter image description here

The status changes correctly but the screen is grayed out as if my modal window was still open without modal

enter image description here

I can't see my error to resolve this behavior. I'm still new to fetch so any help would be appreciated. Here is my code

// Activation ou désactivation dynamique d'un partenaire

//On boucle sur les input
document.querySelectorAll(".form-switch-statut-partenaire input").forEach(input => {
    input.addEventListener("change", () => {

        //On récupère l'url de la route edit-statut
        const Url = input.dataset.path;

        const Modal = document.getElementById('exampleModal')
        const Footer = Modal.getElementsByClassName('modal-footer')[0].children[1]

        Footer.addEventListener("click", () => {

            //On lance la requête ajax
            .then((response) => {
                return response.json()
            }).then(data => {
                const content = document.querySelector('#formCheck');
                content.innerHTML = data.content;
            }).catch((err) => console.log('Erreur : '  err));     

CodePudding user response:

Holà amigo , you should basically try something like this

when you start your request ,

on success, if you use something like this

 onSuccess: () => {

that is for axios no idea for ajax

there must be something similar

you must also be able to add the close directly on your button

like this

  <Button onClick={() => onClose()}>

or something like that

I hope I have helped you a little


CodePudding user response:

Thank you for your precious help. However I solved the problem of the Modal. Here is my code at the moment.

// Activation ou désactivation dynamique d'un partenaire

//On boucle sur les input
document.querySelectorAll(".form-switch-statut-partenaire input").forEach(input => {
    input.addEventListener("change", () => {

        //On récupère l'url de la route edit-statut
        const Url = input.dataset.path;

        const Modal = document.getElementById('exampleModal')
        const Footer = Modal.getElementsByClassName('modal-footer')[0].children[1]

        Footer.addEventListener("click", () => {
            $("[data-dismiss=modal]").trigger({ type: "click" });
            //On lance la requête ajax
            .then((response) => {
                return response.json()
            }).then(data => {
                const content = document.querySelector('#formCheck');
                content.innerHTML = data.content;
            }).catch((err) => console.log('Erreur : '  err));     

It works the first time but as soon as I click on the input again the modal opens but the action no longer works. I need to refresh the page. And I'm stuck on this issue...

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