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How do I make it so it does not just like the newest post and it will like the post that they clicke


How do I make it so it does not just like the newest post and it will like the post that they clicked the like button on?


postSearch.addEventListener("input", (ev) => {
  async function findPosts() {
    const postsRef = collection(firestore, "posts")
    const q = query(postsRef, orderBy("createdAt"));

    const querySnapshot = await getDocs(q);
    querySnapshot.forEach((post) => {

      // doc.data() is never undefined for query doc snapshots
      if (post.data().likes == undefined) {
        post.data().likes = 0

      function epicTest() {
        let postData = {
          description: post.data().description,
          display_name: post.data().display_name,
          createdAt: post.data().createdAt,
          uid: post.data().uid,
          title: post.data().title,
          likes: post.data().likes   1
        setDoc(doc(postsRef, post.id), postData)
        console.log("this feature hasn't been added yet")
      let items = querySnapshot.docs.map(post => {
        if (post.data().title.includes(ev.target.value) || post.data().description.includes(ev.target.value)) {
          return `<div id="postBox">
      <h4 id="postName">${post.data().display_name}</h4>
      <h1 id="postTitle">${post.data().title}</h1>
      <h3 id="postDescription">${post.data().description}</h3>
      <div id="likeContainer"><ion-icon name="thumbs-up-outline" id="likeBtn" onclick="epicTest()"></ion-icon><h3 id="likeCount">${post.data().likes}</h3></div>

      postList.innerHTML = items.join('');
      if (postList.innerText == "") {
        postList.innerText = "no results found"
      let likeBtn = document.querySelectorAll("#likeBtn")
      likeBtn.forEach(item => {
        item.addEventListener("click", (ev) => {
          let postData = {
            description: post.data().description,
            display_name: post.data().display_name,
            createdAt: post.data().createdAt,
            uid: post.data().uid,
            title: post.data().title,
            likes: post.data().likes   1
          setDoc(doc(postsRef, post.id), postData)
          console.log("this feature hasn't been added yet")

CodePudding user response:

The following example shows how you can use the function to run whenever a 'Like' button is clicked, check the below sample:

    var postRef = new Firebase(firebaseURL   id);
    postRef.child('like-count').once('value', function(snapshot) {
        var currentLikes = snapshot.val() ? snapshot.val() : 0;
            'postID': id,
            'like-count': currentLikes   1
            }, function(error) {
              if (error) {
                console.log('Data could not be saved:'   error);
              } else {
                console.log('Data saved successfully');

The basic idea behind this is to pass the post id as a parameter to the function that is called when clicking the like button.

Also check the following examples for similar implementations:

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