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Issue positioning a position: absolute element in Tailwindcss


I'm working on this TailwindCSS project where I have a logo to the left and navigation to the right. Both of them are centered. Because the logo is position:absolute; the navigation is behind the logo. I want them to be side by side. I'm using flex. Is it possible? I'm not sure if grid will be a better solution.

This is the link to enter image description here

CodePudding user response:

The simplest solution would be to apply padding-right to the logo.

Change this...

<span >...</span>

...to this.

<span >...</span>

enter image description here

See the snippet.

CodePudding user response:

I think the best option is to put the logo inside the <ul>...</ul> inside an extra list (<li>) item. This way it will allways be next to your homepage link, and won't overlap. You will have to add the width of the image to the <li> element.

An example is seen here:


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