Home > other >  For help, why would just do automated CD install to can not find the image file?
For help, why would just do automated CD install to can not find the image file?


Why you bosses, through the response file to mirror, on the test machine has been unable to find relevant mirror? Hope everybody bosses can reassure a lot ~

The following is a response file
# platform=x86, AMD64 or Intel EM64T
# version=DEVEL
# home Install OS upgrade
# X Window System configuration information
Xconfig - startxonboot
# the rid_device_info_keyboard layouts
# old format: the rid_device_info_keyboard us
# new format:
The rid_device_info_keyboard -- - xlayouts vckeymap=cn='cn'
# Root password
Rootpw - iscrypted $1 $Wt/kjBGu $OOEjh0bfUsRKddnLiFZgL0
# System language
Lang zh_CN
# System authorization information
Auth - useshadow passalgo=sha512
# Use CDROM installation media
# Use graphical install
# the Run the Setup Agent on first boot
The firstboot - enable
# SELinux configuration
Selinux - disabled

# System services
Services - enabled="chronyd
"Ignoredisk - only - use=sda
# is Firewall configuration
Firewall - disabled
# Network information
Network - bootproto=DHCP - device=ens33
# the Halt after installation
The halt
# System timezone
Timezone Asia/Shanghai
# System bootloader configuration
Bootloader - append="crashkernel=auto" - the location=none - the boot - drive=sda
# Partition clearing information
Clearpart - none - initlabel
# Disk partitioning information
Part/boot - fstype="XFS" - ondisk=sda - size=1024
Part swap - fstype="swap" - ondisk=sda - size=4094
Part/home - fstype="XFS" - ondisk=sda - size=5120
Part/-- fstype="XFS" - ondisk=sda - size=5120

% packages
@ ^ the gnome desktop - environment
@ base
@ core
@ desktop - was debugging
@ dial - up
@ directory - client
@ fonts
@ the gnome desktop -
@ guest - agents
@ guest - desktop - agents
@ input - the methods
@ the Internet browser -
@ Java platform -
@ multimedia
@ network - file - system - client
@ networkmanager - submodules
@ print - client
@ x11
Kexec - tools

% end
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