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The difference between cloud computing and cloud services


Mention of cloud computing, many people can't help but think of three words - IaaS, PaaS and SaaS, literally speaking, the S is the abbreviation of Service (Service), is also the most typical three kinds of cloud computing Service mode, less rigorous, IaaS is the most basic cloud computing products, and PaaS, SaaS, and then derived a lot of concepts all belongs to the category of cloud services, however, from the professional point of view, "cloud computing" refers to a kind of technical architecture, mainly includes the virtualization, automated deployment, such as distributed computing technology, this technology has the advantage of the parallel computing performance of foreign performance can be very good, the size of scalability and robustness,
And "cloud services" refers to the architecture of cloud computing technology to support, the foreign provide on-demand, quantifiable IT services, users can be used to replace local self-built IT services, mainly divided into three levels: IaaS, PaaS, SaaS,
SaaS: Software - as - a - Service (Software as a Service) is to provide customer Service operators to run in a cloud computing infrastructure on the application, the user can in a variety of devices by client access interface, such as a browser, consumers don't need to manage or control any cloud computing infrastructure, including network, servers, operating systems, storage, etc.
2. The PaaS Platform - as - a - Service (Platform as a Service) to provide Service to consumers is the development of languages and tools provided by clients using (such as Java, python, the.net, etc.) of development or acquisition application deployment to the supplier's cloud computing infrastructure,
Customers don't need to manage or control the underlying cloud infrastructure including network, servers, operating systems, storage, etc., but the customer can control the deployment of the application, may also be control to run the application hosting environment configurations;
3. IaaS: Infrastructure - as - a - Service (Infrastructure as a Service) to provide Service to consumers is to the use of all computing Infrastructure, including CPU, memory, storage, network and other basic computing resources, users can deploy and run arbitrary software, including the operating system and application,
Consumer does not manage or control any cloud computing infrastructure, but can control the selection of the operating system, storage, deployment of application, are also likely to get the limited network components (, such as routers, firewalls, and load balancer, etc.), the control of

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