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how do I get rid of leading/trailing spaces in SAS search terms?


I have had to look up hundreds (if not thousands) of free-text answers on google, making notes in Excel along the way and inserting SAS-code around the answers as a last step.

The output looks like this:

enter image description here

This output contains an unnecessary number of blank spaces, which seems to confuse SAS's search to the point where the observations can't be properly located.

It works if I manually erase superflous spaces, but that will probably take hours. Is there an automated fix for this, either in SAS or in excel?

I tried using the STRIP-function, to no avail:

else if R_res_ort_txt=strip("   arild   ") and R_kom_lan=strip("    skåne   ") then R_kommun=strip("    Höganäs " );

CodePudding user response:

If you want to generate a string like:

 if R_res_ort_txt="arild" and R_kom_lan="skåne" then R_kommun="Höganäs";

from three variables, let's call them A B C, then just use code like:

 string=catx(' ','if R_res_ort_txt=',quote(trim(A))
                ,'and R_kom_lan=',quote(trim(B))
                ,'then R_kommun=',quote(trim(C)),';') ;

Or if you are just writing that string to a file just use this PUT statement syntax.

 put 'if R_res_ort_txt=' A :$quote. 'and R_kom_lan=' B :$quote.
     'then R_kommun=' C :$quote. ';' ;

CodePudding user response:

A saner solution would be to continue using the free-text answers as data and perform your matching criteria for transformations with a left join.

proc import out=answers datafile='my-free-text-answers.xlsx';

data have;
  attrib R_res_ort_txt R_kom_lan length=$100;
  input R_res_ort_txt ...;
  ... whatever all those transforms will be performed on...

proc sql;
  create table want as
    have.* ,
    answers.R_kommun_answer as R_kommun
  left join 
    have.R_res_ort_txt = answers.res_ort_answer
  & have.R_kom_lan     = abswers.kom_lan_answer
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