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Apicloud how to use the API to realize automatic aurora push


Curl, insecure - X POST - https://api.jpush.cn/v3/push - H - "the content-type: application/json" -u "7 d431e42dfa6a6d693ac2d04:5 e987ac6d2e04d95a9d8f0d1" - d '{" platform ":" all ", "on" : "all", "notification" : {" alert ":" Hi, JPush!" , "android" : {" extras ": {" android - key1" : "android - value1}}," ios ": {" sound" : "sound. Caf", "badge" : "+ 1", "extras" : {" ios - key1 ":" ios - value1}}}}
POST/v3/push HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Basic N2Q0MzFlNDJkZmE2YTZkNjkzYWMyZDA0OjVlOTg3YWM2ZDJlMDRkOTVhOWQ4ZjBkMQ==
This is my documents found on an example of the aurora, but a little look not to understand,,,,
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