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How to mock a Class<T> Generics object in webclient bodyToMono method


I want to mock this webclient post call. Service

fun <T : Any> post(uri: String, body: Any, responseType: Class<T>): Class<T>? {
    return webClient.post()

I am getting a null pointer exception when I am mocking bodyToMono using a Class<T> generic.


lateinit var mockWebClient: WebClient

private lateinit var onelinkRestClient: OnelinkRestClient

private lateinit var requestHeadersMock: WebClient.RequestBodyUriSpec

private lateinit var responseMock: WebClient.ResponseSpec

private lateinit var requestBodyUriMock: WebClient.RequestBodyUriSpec

private lateinit var requestBodyMock: WebClient.RequestBodySpec

fun setUp() {
    webclient = Service(mockWebClient)

val uri = "/path"

val response = webclient.post<ResponseDTO>("/path", responseDTO, responseDTO::class.java)

When running serviceTest, it gives me an error:

java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "reactor.core.publisher.Mono.block()" because the return value of "org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient$ResponseSpec.bodyToMono(java.lang.Class)" is null

If I change it from generic Class<T> to a some Class defined it doesn't throw NPE

fun <T : Any> post(uri: String, body: Any, responseType: Class<T>): Class<T>? {
    return webClient.post()

Insted of bodyToMono of responseType::class.java, when I do it with defined class, the testcase passes.



I am trying to mock a generic class of type T Class<T> in bodyToMono.

CodePudding user response:

I think your test is correct, but your function is wrong. It calls ::class on a Class instance, so you will always end up with a Class<Class<?>>.

Don't you want the following?


or perhaps:


(I don't know Kotlin well enough)

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