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Unified updates : Update private repo with updates from local files(refactored, renamed, updated) &


I have just started learning to us GitHub CLI tool on Windows. Consider me a newbie I have a use case that looks like this :

Let me summarize before i go a little deep:

My use case is : Cloning an open source project (which updates regularly), i.e create a local copy of it and make modifications(including renaming files and folders), pushing the changes to my private repo but at the same time I require regular updates from the open source project reflected in renamed format. Do i have to rename the files & folder every time the project releases an update and push it to my private repo ?

Lets say Project A is an open source project that regularly updates its files. Project B is my private repo on GitHub. All the initial steps for linking my Project C(local repo) to Origin(Project B) & Upstream(Project A) have been completed through the cli and config file inside .git folder.

On my computer , My local copy Project C has been obtained by using the command

git clone "https:..../project-B.git"

Now my purpose is the following :

1.To make heavy customizations to the code itself in my local copy Project C on my computer and push those changes to my private copy: Project B. This includes but not limited to renaming the project folders and files.

2.To obtain regular updates from Project A and the same needs to be updated in the private repo Project B.

In short, My private repo project B should have my changes and the regular changes that happen from the upstream end: project A

What's the best approach to achieve this?. I'm aware of the following steps to Push my local copy into Private Repo B :

Step 1 : git status -->to check for the changes in local copy.
Step 2 : git add --all
Step 3 : git commit -m 'message reflecting the nature of change'
Step 4 : git push -u origin master
where origin is my Private repo B and master is the branch that contains all the files. 

I'm also aware of pulling in the upstream files by using :

git pull upstream master --> to pull in the latest changes from project A onto project B.

My Question is therefore :

1.When exactly should I Use git pull or git rebase with find renames : Before or after I push the committed changes. My limited understanding is git rebase is to find renamed files in origin(in my use case) and make the changes ?


2.I need an entirely different approach?


3.An approach to the above with minor shifts?


I have successfully pushed my local changes (project C-> project B(private repo on on git) using the command git push -u origin master.

Only, I need to know how can I pull changes from repo Project A(open source which regularly updates) and update my current local copy which is already renamed(folder, files everything else) & other new lines of code that is added. Eventually I need to push those updated changes from Project C(local copy)--->Project B(private repo) and have my private repo UpToDate with latest commits.

EDIT : Taking a public repo docker-jitsi-meet as a repo i need regular updates from and also modified and renamed in my private repo. I have done the following :

1.I Bare cloned the public jitsi-meet repo to my local machine.

2.git clone --bare github.com/jitsi/docker-jitsi-meet.git.

3.cd into my local copy and git push github.com/user/project.git (private repo).

4 Deleted the bare copy and cloned the repo now git clone github.com/user/project.git

5.Add the public upstream repo as a remote: git remote add upstream github.com/jitsi/docker-jitsi-meet.git.

6 git fetch --all shows me lots of changes from upstream which i need to pull in.

  1. I use

git merge upstream/master and the following trace is displayed :

$ git merge upstream/master
Auto-merging CHANGELOG.md
Auto-merging docker-compose.yml
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in docker-compose.yml
Auto-merging focus/rootfs/defaults/jicofo.conf
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in focus/rootfs/defaults/jicofo.conf
CONFLICT (modify/delete): jibri/Dockerfile deleted in HEAD and modified in upstream/master.  Version upstream/master of jibri/Dockerfile left in tree.
CONFLICT (modify/delete): prosody/rootfs/etc/cont-init.d/10-config deleted in HEAD and modified in upstream/master.  Version upstream/master of prosody/rootfs/etc/cont-init.d/10-config left in tree.
Auto-merging web/rootfs/defaults/system-config.js
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in web/rootfs/defaults/system-config.js
Auto-merging xmpp/rootfs/defaults/conf.d/jitsi-meet.cfg.lua
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in xmpp/rootfs/defaults/conf.d/jitsi-meet.cfg.lua
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.
  1. I did

git $ git merge upstream/master -X --strategy-option="find-renames=20"

and get the following :

error: Merging is not possible because you have unmerged files.
hint: Fix them up in the work tree, and then use 'git add/rm <file>'
hint: as appropriate to mark resolution and make a commit.
fatal: Exiting because of an unresolved conflict.

CodePudding user response:

The simplest way is usually to add two remotes in your local clone and then continuously merge changes from the secondary remote. A remote is like a bookmark for another repository; when you clone, the origin remote is created automatically for you, which points to the source from which you cloned.

The following commands only need to be taken once:

git clone https://github.com/user/project.git localclone
cd localclone
git remote add upstream https://github.com/upstream/project.git

Then later to "sync" your fork:

git fetch --all
git merge upstream/master
git push origin HEAD

This will merge all changes that have happened in the "main" branch of the "upstream" remote/repository since you last fetched merged.

Note that if commits in upstream change the same lines as you did in your fork, there will be merge conflicts which you need to resolve.

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