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Server operations necessary shell script


Automatically create a virtual machine
Read -p 'please enter the back-end disk path BACK_DISK
CD/var/lib/libvirt/images/# CD to a virtual machine disk storage directory
Qemu - img create -f qcow2 - b $BACK_DISK ${1}. Img 20 g # create disk image; . Node_base. Qcow2 (backend)
Sed "s, node_base, $1," node_base. XML & gt; The/etc/libvirt/qemu/${1}. The XML # to create corresponding XML file
With virsh define/etc/libvirt/qemu/${1}. The XML # define XML file
With virsh start at $1 # start virtual machine

Regular backup/var/log log file
The tar - ZCF log - ` date + % Y % m % d ` tar. Gz/var/log
System Settings: crontab -e 00 03 * * 5/root/script name

Real-time monitoring of native memory and disk space, and then send the mail to alert
DISK_SIZE=$(df/| awk '////{print $4}') # call this machine available disk space
MEM_SIZE=$(free | awk '/Mem/{print $4}') # call native memory available
If [$DISK_SIZE - le 512000 - a $MEM_SIZE - le 1024000]. Then
Mail - 'alarm' s root & lt; Insufficient resources, please timely top-up.
Sleep 1
The done

Unit the boot and shutdown state
For I in {1.. 254}
Ping - 2-0.3 - W I c 1 192.168.4. $I & amp;>/dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; Then
Echo "192.168.4. $I is up"
The else
Echo "192.168.4. $I is" down "
The done

Real-time display eth0 adapter to send and receive packets flow
Echo "eth0 network traffic information is as follows:"
Ifconfig eth0 | grep "RX pack" | awk '{print $5}' # received data flow package
Ifconfig eth0 | grep "TX pack" | awk '{print $5}' # send data traffic package
Sleep 1 # refresh once per second
The done

User list file is used to create the user and the initial password is 123456
# $1 for storing user list file
For I ` cat in $1 `
Useradd $I
Echo 123456 | passwd -- stdin $I & amp;>/dev/null
The done

According to connect the machine remote IP
Netstat atn | awk 'NR> 2 {print $5} '| awk' {print $1} '| sort - rn | uniq -c

Statistics within a certain period of time all access to the Apache server request number
Awk -f "//:" '$7 ":" $8 & gt;="and" & amp; & $7 ":" $8 & lt;="passion" '/var/log/HTTPD/access_log | wc -l'
Statistics of all access to the Apache server within a certain period of time the client IP
Awk -f "//:" '$7 ":" $8 & gt;="and" & amp; & $7 ":" $8 & lt;="passion" {print $1} '/var/log/HTTPD/access_log
The statistics for each remote IP access native Apache several
Awk '{IP + +} [$1] END {for (I) in IP {print IP [I], I}}'/var/log/HTTPD/access_log

Cutting Nginx log file
Mv ${logs_path} access. Log ${logs_path} access_ $(date + % Y % m % d). The log
Lill - USER1 $(cat/usr/local/nginx/logs/nginx pid)
The Linux command line: crontab -e 0 1 * * */data/scripts/script name

Detection of mysql database connection number
Log_file="/var/log/mysql_count log"
Sleep 2
"$user" count=` mysqladmin -u -p "$passwd" status | awk '{print $4}' `
Echo "` date + % Y % m % d ` concurrent connection number is: ${count}." & gt;> $log_file
The done

Non-interactive generated SSH secret key file
Rm - rf ~/. SSH/id_rsa *
SSH - the keygen -t RSA -n '- f ~/. SSH/id_rsa

Cycle test user name and password is correct
For I in {1.. 3}
Read -p "please enter the user name" user
The read - p "please enter the password" pass
If [$user "=='Tom' - a" $pass "=='123456'); Then
Echo "landing successful
"The exit
The else
Echo "please enter your user name and password again"
The done
Echo "login failed"

List the machine to the user's password
User=$(awk - F: '/bash ${print $1}'/etc/passwd)
For I in $user
The awk - F: - v x=$I '$1==x {print $1, $2}'/etc/shadow
The done

Statistical number of Linux process related information
# in the/proc directory all begins with a number of current computer running process of the process PID
# each PID number directory records related to the process information
For pid in ` ls/proc/[1-9] * `
Procs=$[procs + 1]
The stat=$(awk '3} {print $$pid/stat)
# each pid directory has a stat file, the file of the third column is the state of the process information
Case $stat in
Running=$[running + 1];;
Stoped=$[stoped + 1];;
Sleeping=$[sleeping + 1];;
Zombie=$[zombie + 1];;
The done
Echo "process statistics as follows"
Echo "total number of process is: $procs"
Echo "Running process for: $Running"
Echo "process Stoped for: $Stoped"
Echo "Sleeping process for: $Sleeping"
Echo "Zombie process for: $Zombie"

Using a script to open close the virtual machine
# script by calling with virsh command implementation management of the virtual machine, if you don't have this command, you need to install libvirt - client software package
# $1 is the first parameter of the script, $2 is the second script parameter
# 1 parameter is you want to the operation of the virtual machine instructions, the second parameter is the name of the virtual machine
In case $1
The list)
With virsh list -- all;;
With virsh start $2;;
With virsh destroy; $2;
The enable)
With virsh autostart; $2;
With virsh autostart - disable; $2;
Echo "Usage: $0 list"
Echo "Usage: $0 [start | stop | enable | disable] VM_name"
The cat & lt; The list shows that virtual machine list

start to start the virtual machineStop virtual machines are shut down
The enable set the virtual machine to boot from the rev.
Disable shut down the virtual machine can boot from qi gong

Don't log in virtual machine, modify the network card IP address
# scripts without log in the virtual machine, change the IP address of the virtual machine information; In some circumstances, the virtual machine no IP or IP address and the host is not a real network segment; Real host in the absence of virt - manager graphics, virtual machine remote connection is very trouble. The script can solve similar problems.
Read -p "please enter the virtual machine name:" name
If with virsh domstate $name | grep - q running; nullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnullnull
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