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EJS if else statment, array items


Im trying to render some API data using express (REST) and EJS (template engine) depending on which value "status" has. If any item in the array contains a status which is not "CLOSED" it should proceed and show those and if every item in the array has the status value set to "CLOSED" it should render a message saying "not found / no active cases"

<% for (var i=0, n=array.length; i < n;   i){ %>
<% if (array[i].status !== "CLOSED") { %>
     // This works as intendend and only renders array items without the status set to closed  
     <div><% array[i].status %> </div> 

<% } else { %>
     // This will however render this message the in the amount of array items that exists.
     <div>Not found / no active cases </div>
<% } %>

How can I break out of the loop somehow and only display the message once?

The following has been tried and it works, sort of, however the message keeps looping.

<% for (var i=0, n=array.length; i < n;   i){ %>
<% if (array[i].status !== "CLOSED") { %>
     // This works as intendend and only renders array items without the status set to closed  
     <div><% array[i].status %> </div> 

<% } else { %>
     // This will however render this message the in the amount of array items that exists.
     <div>Not found / no active cases </div>
<% } %>

I have also tried this, this yields the same result as the above.

<% for (var i=0, n=array.length; i < n;   i){ %>
<% if (array[i].status !== "CLOSED") { %>
     <div><% array[i].status %> </div> 

<% } else if(array[i].status === "CLOSED") { %>
     <div>Not found / no active cases </div>
  <% } %>
<% } %>

CodePudding user response:

You could filter all the elements which don't have status CLOSED, and if there are any, render them, else, show the message:

<% const notClosed = array.filter(el=> el.status !== 'CLOSED'); %>

<% if(notClosed.length > 0) {%>

    <% notClosed.forEach(el=>{ %>

            <div><%= el.status; %> </div>

    <% }); %>

<% } else { %>

     <div>Not found / no active cases </div>

<% } %>
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