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Multiply each subsequent second column


I am trying to multiply the first columns with the first and with the third columns. Below you can see my data.



Now I want to multiply the first column Stores with each subsequent second column or in this case Value2 and Value4.

enter image description here

I tried to do this with mutate but I think that I am not in the right way because, in reality, I need to apply this on large data sets with around 50 columns.


So can anybody help me with how to solve this in an automatic way?

CodePudding user response:

Apart from akrun's pure tidyverse solution (which is preferable), we could use dplyover::over() for this kind of operations (disclaimer: I'm, the maintainer, and the package is not on CRAN).

We can create a sequence to loop over, below seq(2, 4, 2) running from 2 to 4 and then we can construct the variable names inside .(), below .("Value{.x}"), so in each iteration we loop over one of the values of our sequence (below: Value2 and Value4).

Finally, we need nice output names. Here we can set the .names argument to "solved{x_idx}" which says "take the string "solved" and append to it the index of the current iteration {x_idx}.

library(dplyover) # https://timteafan.github.io/dplyover/

df %>% 
  mutate(over(seq(2, 4, 2),
              ~ Stores * .("Value{.x}"),
              .names = "solved{x_idx}"
#>   Stores Value1 Value2 Value3 Value4 solved1 solved2
#> 1     10     10     10     10     10     100     100
#> 2     10     10     10      0     10     100     100
#> 3     20      0      0      0      0       0       0
#> 4      0    100    100      0      0       0       0
#> 5     10      0      0      0      0       0       0

Created on 2023-01-22 with reprex v2.0.2

CodePudding user response:

We may use across in mutate

df <- df %>%
   mutate(across(all_of(names(.)[-1][c(FALSE, TRUE)]), ~ .x * Stores,
        .names = "Solved{str_remove(.col, 'Value')}"))

CodePudding user response:

Base R solution, building on @onyambu’s comment:

new <- df[,1] * df[seq(3, ncol(df), by = 2)]
colnames(new) <- paste0("solved", seq_along(new))
df <- cbind(df, new)
  Stores Value1 Value2 Value3 Value4 solved1 solved2
1     10     10     10     10     10     100     100
2     10     10     10      0     10     100     100
3     20      0      0      0      0       0       0
4      0    100    100      0      0       0       0
5     10      0      0      0      0       0       0

CodePudding user response:

Alternatively, please check

# get the names of the columns to multiply
nam <- names(df)[which(str_detect(names(df),'^Val.*[2|4]$'))]

# use the nam vector with elements as variable names 
df %>% mutate(across(nam, ~Stores*.x, .names = 'solved{col}')) %>% 
  rename_with(., ~ str_replace_all(.x,'Value',''))

Created on 2023-01-22 with reprex v2.0.2

  Stores   1   2  3  4 solved2 solved4
1     10  10  10 10 10     100     100
2     10  10  10  0 10     100     100
3     20   0   0  0  0       0       0
4      0 100 100  0  0       0       0
5     10   0   0  0  0       0       0

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