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Find first row in runs of certain value after a specific date, by group


I have temporal data on different bears ('ID'), at different positions ('Position'; land or ice). Here is a simplified version with two individuals (A and B):

ID <- rep.int(c("A", "B"), times = c(10, 10))
Dates <- c(seq(as.Date("2011-06-11"), as.Date("2011-06-20"), by = "days"),
               seq(as.Date("2011-05-27"), as.Date("2011-06-05"), by="days"))
Position <- c("Land", "Ice", "Land", "Land", "Ice", "Ice", "Land", "Land", "Land", "Land",
              "Land", "Land", "Land", "Ice", "Ice", "Land", "Land", "Land", "Ice", "Ice")

data <- data.frame(ID, Dates, Position)
   ID      Dates Position
1   A 2011-06-11     Land
2   A 2011-06-12      Ice
3   A 2011-06-13     Land
4   A 2011-06-14     Land
5   A 2011-06-15      Ice
6   A 2011-06-16      Ice
7   A 2011-06-17     Land
8   A 2011-06-18     Land
9   A 2011-06-19     Land
10  A 2011-06-20     Land
11  B 2011-05-27     Land
12  B 2011-05-28     Land
13  B 2011-05-29     Land
14  B 2011-05-30      Ice
15  B 2011-05-31      Ice
16  B 2011-06-01     Land
17  B 2011-06-02     Land
18  B 2011-06-03     Land
19  B 2011-06-04      Ice
20  B 2011-06-05      Ice

I want to create a variable Arrival, which indicates on-land arrival date for each bear. I defined on-land arrival as the date of the first row in runs of three consecutive Position on "Land". This row should be set to "Arrival", and the other rows to NA. This date must also occur after May 31st.

For this dataset, the arrival dates would look like this:

   ID      Dates Position Arrival
1   A 2011-06-11     Land      NA
2   A 2011-06-12      Ice      NA
3   A 2011-06-13     Land      NA
4   A 2011-06-14     Land      NA
5   A 2011-06-15      Ice      NA
6   A 2011-06-16      Ice      NA
7   A 2011-06-17     Land Arrival
8   A 2011-06-18     Land      NA
9   A 2011-06-19     Land      NA
10  A 2011-06-20     Land      NA
11  B 2011-05-27     Land      NA
12  B 2011-05-28     Land      NA
13  B 2011-05-29     Land      NA
14  B 2011-05-30      Ice      NA
15  B 2011-05-31      Ice      NA
16  B 2011-06-01     Land Arrival
17  B 2011-06-02     Land      NA
18  B 2011-06-03     Land      NA
19  B 2011-06-04      Ice      NA
20  B 2011-06-05      Ice      NA

Is there a way for me to do this in R, preferably using dplyr?

CodePudding user response:

We can use zoo::rollapply for this.


data %>%
  group_by(ID) %>%
    Arrival = Dates > "2011-05-31" &
         lag(Position != "Land", default = FALSE) &
         zoo::rollapply(Position == "Land", 3, align = "left", FUN = all, partial = TRUE)
  ) %>%
# # A tibble: 20 × 4
#    ID    Dates      Position Arrival
#    <chr> <date>     <chr>    <lgl>  
#  1 A     2011-06-11 Land     FALSE  
#  2 A     2011-06-12 Ice      FALSE  
#  3 A     2011-06-13 Land     FALSE  
#  4 A     2011-06-14 Land     FALSE  
#  5 A     2011-06-15 Ice      FALSE  
#  6 A     2011-06-16 Ice      FALSE  
#  7 A     2011-06-17 Land     TRUE   
#  8 A     2011-06-18 Land     FALSE  
#  9 A     2011-06-19 Land     FALSE  
# 10 A     2011-06-20 Land     FALSE  
# 11 B     2011-05-27 Land     FALSE  
# 12 B     2011-05-28 Land     FALSE  
# 13 B     2011-05-29 Land     FALSE  
# 14 B     2011-05-30 Ice      FALSE  
# 15 B     2011-05-31 Ice      FALSE  
# 16 B     2011-06-01 Land     TRUE   
# 17 B     2011-06-02 Land     FALSE  
# 18 B     2011-06-03 Land     FALSE  
# 19 B     2011-06-04 Ice      FALSE  
# 20 B     2011-06-05 Ice      FALSE  

base R

data$prevnotland <- ave(
  data$Position != "Land", data$ID, 
  FUN = function(z) c(FALSE, z[-length(z)]))
data$Arrival <- data$prevnotland & ave(
  data$Dates > "2011-05-31" & data$Position == "Land", data$ID,
  FUN = function(z) zoo::rollapply(z, 3, FUN=all, align="left", partial=TRUE))
#    ID      Dates Position prevnotland Arrival
# 1   A 2011-06-11     Land       FALSE   FALSE
# 2   A 2011-06-12      Ice       FALSE   FALSE
# 3   A 2011-06-13     Land        TRUE   FALSE
# 4   A 2011-06-14     Land       FALSE   FALSE
# 5   A 2011-06-15      Ice       FALSE   FALSE
# 6   A 2011-06-16      Ice        TRUE   FALSE
# 7   A 2011-06-17     Land        TRUE    TRUE
# 8   A 2011-06-18     Land       FALSE   FALSE
# 9   A 2011-06-19     Land       FALSE   FALSE
# 10  A 2011-06-20     Land       FALSE   FALSE
# 11  B 2011-05-27     Land       FALSE   FALSE
# 12  B 2011-05-28     Land       FALSE   FALSE
# 13  B 2011-05-29     Land       FALSE   FALSE
# 14  B 2011-05-30      Ice       FALSE   FALSE
# 15  B 2011-05-31      Ice        TRUE   FALSE
# 16  B 2011-06-01     Land        TRUE    TRUE
# 17  B 2011-06-02     Land       FALSE   FALSE
# 18  B 2011-06-03     Land       FALSE   FALSE
# 19  B 2011-06-04      Ice       FALSE   FALSE
# 20  B 2011-06-05      Ice        TRUE   FALSE

CodePudding user response:

  data %>%
    arrange(ID, Dates) %>% # if not in OP order already
    group_by(ID, loc_grp = cumsum(Position != lag(Position, 1, ""))) %>%
    filter(Dates >= as.Date("2011-05-31"), Position == "Land", 
           n() >= 3, row_number() == 1) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    transmute(ID, Dates, Position, Arrival = "Arrival"))


Joining with `by = join_by(ID, Dates, Position)`
   ID      Dates Position Arrival
1   A 2011-06-11     Land    <NA>
2   A 2011-06-12      Ice    <NA>
3   A 2011-06-13     Land    <NA>
4   A 2011-06-14     Land    <NA>
5   A 2011-06-15      Ice    <NA>
6   A 2011-06-16      Ice    <NA>
7   A 2011-06-17     Land Arrival
8   A 2011-06-18     Land    <NA>
9   A 2011-06-19     Land    <NA>
10  A 2011-06-20     Land    <NA>
11  B 2011-05-27     Land    <NA>
12  B 2011-05-28     Land    <NA>
13  B 2011-05-29     Land    <NA>
14  B 2011-05-30      Ice    <NA>
15  B 2011-05-31      Ice    <NA>
16  B 2011-06-01     Land Arrival
17  B 2011-06-02     Land    <NA>
18  B 2011-06-03     Land    <NA>
19  B 2011-06-04      Ice    <NA>
20  B 2011-06-05      Ice    <NA>

CodePudding user response:

Not as succinct as other solutions, but step-by-step with some temporary variables.


ddf <- data |>
  arrange(ID, Dates) |>
  group_by(ID) |>
  mutate(n = lead(Position, n = 1)) |>
  mutate(nn = lead(Position, n = 2)) |>
  filter(Position == n & Position == nn & Dates > "2011-05-30") |>
  slice_head(n = 1) |>
  select(-(n:nn)) |>
  mutate(Arrival = "Arrival")

ddf |> right_join(data) |> arrange(ID, Dates)
#> Joining, by = c("ID", "Dates", "Position")
#> # A tibble: 20 × 4
#> # Groups:   ID [2]
#>    ID    Dates      Position Arrival
#>    <chr> <date>     <chr>    <chr>  
#>  1 A     2011-06-11 Land     <NA>   
#>  2 A     2011-06-12 Ice      <NA>   
#>  3 A     2011-06-13 Land     <NA>   
#>  4 A     2011-06-14 Land     <NA>   
#>  5 A     2011-06-15 Ice      <NA>   
#>  6 A     2011-06-16 Ice      <NA>   
#>  7 A     2011-06-17 Land     Arrival
#>  8 A     2011-06-18 Land     <NA>   
#>  9 A     2011-06-19 Land     <NA>   
#> 10 A     2011-06-20 Land     <NA>   
#> 11 B     2011-05-27 Land     <NA>   
#> 12 B     2011-05-28 Land     <NA>   
#> 13 B     2011-05-29 Land     <NA>   
#> 14 B     2011-05-30 Ice      <NA>   
#> 15 B     2011-05-31 Ice      <NA>   
#> 16 B     2011-06-01 Land     Arrival
#> 17 B     2011-06-02 Land     <NA>   
#> 18 B     2011-06-03 Land     <NA>   
#> 19 B     2011-06-04 Ice      <NA>   
#> 20 B     2011-06-05 Ice      <NA>

CodePudding user response:

I hope that your preferably using dplyr means that you are still open for other possibilities :) If so, here's a data.table alternative.


data[Dates > "2011-05-31",
     Arrival := if(.N > 2 & Position[1] == "Land") c("Arrival", rep(NA, .N - 1)),
     by = .(ID, rleid(Position))]

    ID      Dates Position Arrival
 1:  A 2011-06-11     Land    <NA>
 2:  A 2011-06-12      Ice    <NA>
 3:  A 2011-06-13     Land    <NA>
 4:  A 2011-06-14     Land    <NA>
 5:  A 2011-06-15      Ice    <NA>
 6:  A 2011-06-16      Ice    <NA>
 7:  A 2011-06-17     Land Arrival
 8:  A 2011-06-18     Land    <NA>
 9:  A 2011-06-19     Land    <NA>
10:  A 2011-06-20     Land    <NA>
11:  B 2011-05-27     Land    <NA>
12:  B 2011-05-28     Land    <NA>
13:  B 2011-05-29     Land    <NA>
14:  B 2011-05-30      Ice    <NA>
15:  B 2011-05-31      Ice    <NA>
16:  B 2011-06-01     Land Arrival
17:  B 2011-06-02     Land    <NA>
18:  B 2011-06-03     Land    <NA>
19:  B 2011-06-04      Ice    <NA>
20:  B 2011-06-05      Ice    <NA>


Select relevant rows (Dates > "2011-05-31"). Create groups by 'ID' and consecutive runs of 'Position' (by = .(ID, rleid(Position))). Within each group, if number of rows are more than 2 (.N > 2) &values in the run of Positions are "Land" (Position[1] == "Land"), create the result where the first value is "Arrival" and the rest (.N-1) are NA. Add the new column by reference (:=).

CodePudding user response:

This dplyr approach uses a relative (non-hardcoded) year for the date condition. Needs library(data.table) for rleid. Can be replaced but is very handy.


data %>% 
  group_by(ID) %>% 
  mutate(grp = data.table::rleid(Position)) %>% 
  group_by(ID, grp) %>% 
  mutate(Arrival = if_else(n() >= 3 & Position == "Land" &  row_number() == 1 &
                     Dates > paste0(format(Dates, "%Y"), "-05-31"), 
                       "Arrival", NA_character_)) %>% 
  ungroup() %>% 
# A tibble: 20 × 4
   ID    Dates      Position Arrival
   <chr> <date>     <chr>    <chr>  
 1 A     2011-06-11 Land     NA     
 2 A     2011-06-12 Ice      NA     
 3 A     2011-06-13 Land     NA     
 4 A     2011-06-14 Land     NA     
 5 A     2011-06-15 Ice      NA     
 6 A     2011-06-16 Ice      NA     
 7 A     2011-06-17 Land     Arrival
 8 A     2011-06-18 Land     NA     
 9 A     2011-06-19 Land     NA     
10 A     2011-06-20 Land     NA     
11 B     2011-05-27 Land     NA     
12 B     2011-05-28 Land     NA     
13 B     2011-05-29 Land     NA     
14 B     2011-05-30 Ice      NA     
15 B     2011-05-31 Ice      NA     
16 B     2011-06-01 Land     Arrival
17 B     2011-06-02 Land     NA     
18 B     2011-06-03 Land     NA     
19 B     2011-06-04 Ice      NA     
20 B     2011-06-05 Ice      NA
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