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Private clouds, a new generation of what are the difference between private cloud and public cloud?


A new generation of private cloud is not a new version of The private cloud, on The contrary, it is defined by The software of The hardware, software and hardware decoupling, software evolution, hardware upgradeable OTA (Over The Air) characteristics, that is evolved through The main points for private cloud without versioning sustainable life cycle, and The ability of scenes from IaaS to PaaS border breakthrough,
Is based on a new generation of private cloud products kubernetes micro service architecture, the design concept of integration, can help businesses from the most basic unit 3 node cloud ready ultra fusion to uncapped vlsi cloud platform to realize the unified architecture, based on open source of ecological technology stack at the same time, maintain the production experience, through business without perception, data migration, services do not interrupt the smooth non-inductive evolution ways, can build a data-centric, cloudy oriented private cloud platform,
A new generation of private cloud and public cloud companies are to compete in the field of data center, no fragmentation version, function continued evolution is the advantage of public clouds, whereas easyjet clouds Easystack a new generation of private cloud and public cloud capacity in this regard, leveling at the same time, for enterprise customers and in the following areas than public clouds more relevant enterprise users demand:
First, in the application of the enterprise data center complexity, a new generation of private cloud originated in the enterprise data center, soft hard separation, define hardware and software "joint" of mainstream hardware configuration, but such a high complexity of the product can realize the OTA type of online/offline deployment (according to user's need) laws and regulations, than the public cloud is more applicable to complex enterprise data center,
Second, on the scale and structure, a new generation of private cloud from the minimum size to the uncapped 3 node size, from the cloud ready super fusion form to cloudy oriented private clouds form, not only the scale elasticity, and a unified framework, the integration of design, for OTA type of smoothing non-inductive evolution laid a solid foundation, compared to public clouds can be implemented to realize unified architecture,
Third, on the operations, rather than public clouds of a new generation of private cloud is a highly production experience, it can be applied to no professional operations staff common enterprise data center environment, through OTA type automatic operations, greatly reduces the application of the threshold,
Fourth, on the ecological richness, a new generation of private cloud as open source ecological capacity of the border, not as a single platform software (such as a single public cloud) as the leading factor, so the future will have more than a single public clouds in ecological application of choice,
Fifth, on safety compliance, public clouds in some industry data security compliance requirements may not apply to the core of the national economy and people's livelihood industry application, but a new generation of private cloud to public cloud experience at the same time, data ownership, customer, which has more extensively applicable scope is
Sixth, on the business model, on the one hand, the public cloud hire way, a new generation of private cloud can purchase can also subscribe to the service license, and the open source version of the subscription service, and the red hat + professional service subscription service has essential difference, the more similar to the public cloud according to pay, on the other hand, the outpost of the extension of public clouds is provided by the AWS as the core of a hybrid cloud model, and a new generation of private cloud is cloudy oriented design, convenient for user to different public cloud services for different public clouds,

CodePudding user response:

A new generation of private cloud is not a new version of The private cloud, on The contrary, it is defined by The software of The hardware, software and hardware decoupling, software evolution, hardware upgradeable OTA (Over The Air) characteristics, that is evolved through The main points for private cloud without versioning sustainable life cycle, and The ability of scenes from IaaS to PaaS border breakthrough,
Is based on a new generation of private cloud products kubernetes micro service architecture, the design concept of integration, help enterprise users from the most basic unit 3 node cloud ready ultra fusion to uncapped vlsi cloud platform to realize the unified architecture, based on open source of ecological technology stack at the same time, maintain the production experience, through business without perception, data migration, services do not interrupt the smooth non-inductive evolution ways, can build a data-centric, cloudy oriented private cloud platform,
Easyjet fluidity EasyStack a new generation of the core competence of private cloud ECS enterprise cloud is flowing and non-inductive can evolve, it is based on private cloud platform as a service and integration of the design, from the core framework of the basic unit, then have the micro technology stack as a service and integrated design capability, has realized the product shape in the private cloud deployment, support, service ability to evolve, the main characteristics embodied in the following aspects:
1. Cloud platform product form of evolution: ECS from smallest 3 nodes has full symmetric distribution service architecture of fusion ECS Stack, can smooth non-inductive evolved to control, computing, storage separate private clouds form ECS enterprise cloud standard version, and support a variety of scenarios of ECS enterprise cloud scene version, and can be further evolved to cloudy management products through the EMS industry and cloudy,
2. Cloud platform to support the scenario of evolution: ECS enterprise cloud scenario-based version available for business store, the commercial SDN, virtualization nanotubes such as demand for the connection of the transition, also can be realized from the virtualization to the bare metal, from the container cluster to smooth non-inductive enhance its capability of software infrastructure cloud platform, can also be continuously evolved a IOT, the new enterprise business demand scenarios, such as the conversation
3. Cloud platform itself can evolution: the capability of ECS full system can realize products including function optimization/enhancements, Bug fixes, smooth non-inductive upgrade security reinforcement and so on all components, and the sustainable, fast and seamless introduction new cloud service, meet the demand of continuous lean enterprise customer business innovation,
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