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1. Computer boot process:
Trigger reset, press the power switch, the computer motherboard power to find boot signal, main power supply to start the work, to the motherboard out multiple voltage required by
Video card initialization - electric mainboard, motherboard, CPU reset, graphics self-checking,
The mainboard self-checking
Memory self-check
Hard drive peripherals
USB peripherals self-checking
Display the list all of the peripherals
Load the DMI data
Load startup disk
Choose start drive mode - the MBR sector is loaded, check whether there is any error on the partition table, loading activity partition boot sector, check whether the boot file normally, errors associated with the MBR sector, active partition boot file loading
System start loading Windows system file
2. The router startup process
(1) boot self-checking
(2) if the normal, the existence of the IOS, will find and from FLASH FLASH and load IOS to RAM RAM
(3) to look for in the volatile memory NVRAM startup - config launch configuration file, if not found, the router will enter the SETUP mode; If found, will be in accordance with the start file start routers,
3. Switch startup process
(1) boot self-checking
(2) from reads the microcode ROM from loading operating system in the FLASH (RGNOS)
(3) the operating system is loaded into RAM, the operating system boot completed
(4) system in the FLASH test whether there is a configuration file, there are loaded into RAM,
(5) if not, will start the setup command, basic configuration for interactive
4, what is the agreement?
Also called network agreement, both parties to a communication computer must conform to a set of agreed,