Home > other >  For help, kafka how to add users using the docker hold?
For help, kafka how to add users using the docker hold?


Beginners docker and kafka, there are many places do not understand, I hope you can teach a lot,

The operating system for centos 7.3
Use mirror for
Wurstmeister/kafka: latest
Mount -v configuration file/data/docker_data/kafka/config/:/opt/kafka_2. 12-2.3.0/config/

In the config/modify server. The properties, producer. The properties file, and add kafka_server_jaas under the directory. The conf and kafka_cilent_jaas. Conf.
In the bin/kafka - server - start. Sh add
Export KAFKA_OPTS="- Djava. Security. The auth. Login. Config=/data/docker_data/kafka/config/kafka_server_jaas conf"
In the bin/kafka - the console - producer. Sh add
Export KAFKA_OPTS="- Djava. Security. The auth. Login. Config=/data/docker_data/kafka/config/kafka_client_jaas conf"

The state of kafka into Restarting after restart the container (1) 11 seconds line

An error not to be found/data/docker_data/kafka/config/kafka_client_jaas conf directory
I don't can change several paths
1) within the container/opt/kafka_2. 12-2.3.0/config/
2) outside the container
The/var/lib/docker overlay2/d738de8db0339bc738e762bfbc431ad57aba72fa9178e28b0b36ca90ccb0afce/merged//opt/kafka_2. 12-2.3.0/config/
/data/docker_data kafka/config/
4) refer to kafka - server - start. The export of sh KAFKA_LOG4J_OPTS="- Dlog4j. Configuration=file: $base_dir/../config/log4j properties
"Wrote the export KAFKA_OPTS="- Djava. Security. The auth. Login. Config=file: $base_dir/../config/kafka_server_jaas. Conf "

Seek a solution mentality, first thank you

CodePudding user response:

Has been solved, use is the path of the container,
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