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Replace portion of css file content using preg_replace()


$settings['new_primary_colour_ccs'] = '#777777'; // test color

foreach($appPats as $path){
    $styleSettings = [
        'primary_colour' => [
            'reg' => "\bprimaryColour:\s?['\"][a-z0-9 ,._ ;()'@!?&#:\/-] ['\"]",
            'string' => "primaryColour: \"".$settings['new_primary_colour_ccs']."\"",
            'value' => $settings['new_primary_colour_ccs']

    foreach ($styleSettings as $style) {
        $content = file_get_contents($path);
        $result = preg_replace($style['reg'], $style['string'], $content);
        file_put_contents($path, $result);

My css text looks like this:

(n["createCommentVNode"])("", !0)])]), Object(n["createELementVNode"])("div"
(t[0]=function(e){return R.newEntry=e})},null,8,["onUpdated","modelValue"]
(t[1]=function(e){return R.newEntry=e})},null,8,["onUpdated","modelValue"]
))])])],64)}a("498a"),a("acl1f"),a("5319"),a("a434");var ge={client:"Rail
Partners",showWelcomeMessage:!1,logo:"https: //1wee.webx.host/images
/RP_Logo_Black.svg",LogoWidth:124,LogoMargin:"10px 0 10px 0"
,navBackgroundColour:"rgb(36, 142, 120)",navShowWave:!1,colourScheme:"blue"
,quality:100}},fe=a("a18a"),ke=a.n(fe),ve={class:"uk-text-center uk-width
-large uk-align-center"},ye=Object(n["createELementVNode"])("img",{class:"uk

I need to change my css style using preg_replace

CodePudding user response:

From what I see, you need to apply pattern delimiters and case-insensitivity. See the ~ delimiting characters on the outside of the pattern and the trailing i to signify that case-insensitivity should be used by the regex engine (because the hex color code is in all-caps).

Also, you should avoid needlessly fetching and saving the same content over and over. Instead, fetch the file content once, do all the processing, then save it once.

Code: (Demo)

$settings['new_primary_colour_ccs'] = '#777777'; // test color

foreach ($appPats as $path) {
    $styleSettings = [
        'primary_colour' => [
            'reg' => "~\bprimaryColour:\s?['\"][a-z0-9 ,._ ;()'@!?&#:\/-] ['\"]~i",
            'string' => 'primaryColour:"' . $settings['new_primary_colour_ccs'] . '"',
            'value' => $settings['new_primary_colour_ccs']

    $content = file_get_contents($path);
    foreach ($styleSettings as $style) {
        $content = preg_replace($style['reg'], $style['string'], $content);
    file_put_contents($path, $content);

If in your actual application, $styleSettings doesn't change inside the parent loop, move the declaration above that loop. It doesn't make sense to keep re-declaring it with the same data.

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