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Convert String to Double in Mongo - 3.4.14


I tried to convert a String to Double with the $convert operator

        $addFields: {
            uslDouble: {
                $convert: {
                    input: "$currentDimension.usl",
                    to: "double",
                    one rror: "Impossible to convert str to double",

The output error is explicit:

E QUERY    [thread1] Error: command failed: {
    "ok" : 0,
    "errmsg" : "Unrecognized expression '$convert'",
    "code" : 168,
    "codeName" : "InvalidPipelineOperator"
} : aggregate failed :

My constraint is that I can't upgrade to mongodb > 3.4.14.

Is there any workaround to convert String to Double ?

CodePudding user response:

That is possible, but I'm not sure about the performance.

The basic idea:

  • Split the string into whole and fractional parts
  • Convert each part to a number:
    o iterate over the characters in each part
    o multiply the running total by 10
    o add the value of the current digit
  • Divide the fractional part by 10^(number of digits)
  • Add the whole and fractional parts to get the final double
  • Remove temporary fields
  {$addFields: {
      split: {$split: ["$value", "."]}
  {$addFields: {
      whole: {"$arrayElemAt": ["$split", 0]},
      fraction: {"$arrayElemAt": ["$split", 1]},
  {$addFields: {
      whole: {$reduce: {
          input: {$range: [0,{$strLenCP: "$whole"}]},
          initialValue: 0,
          in: {
            $add: [
              {$multiply: ["$$value",10]},
              {"$indexOfArray": [
                    {$substr: ["$whole","$$this",1]}
      fractionVal: {
        $reduce: {
          input: {$range: [0,{$strLenCP: "$fraction"}]},
          initialValue: 0,
          in: {
            $add: [
              {$multiply: ["$$value", 10]},
              {"$indexOfArray": [
                  {$substr: ["$fraction","$$this",1]}
  {$addFields: {
      double: {$add: [
          {$divide: ["$fractionVal",{"$pow": [10,{$strLenCP: "$fraction"}]}]}
  {$project: {
      fraction: 0,
      fractionVal: 0,
      whole: 0,
      split: 0


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